Lesson 2 More identifying emotions Emotion through perception
Identifying your own feelings Can you be wrong in identifying your own feelings?
Identifying your own feelings Counsellors/friends/parents can help us identify feelings you have not yet noticed yourself – you may be under stress, excited, jealous, or falling in love. Do you think “counselling” helps? Have you ever been “counselled”?
Emotional intelligence Understanding our own emotions (intrapersonal intelligence) and the emotions of others (interpersonal intelligence) Which professions/jobs require “emotional intelligence”?
Religious figures
Knowing emotions through perception We cannot always tell someone’s emotion directly through our sense, but we do get clues – body language etc. This can be inconcious and many people can “sense” how others are feeling.
Body Language Love! aUE&feature=related aUE&feature=related Longer programme QlRA&feature=related QlRA&feature=related
A game! We will take it in turns to enter the room simulating the body language of a particular emotion. Can everyone guess the emotion?
Problems with “body language” Misinterpretation – especially with someone we don’t know well or if a person is from a different culture
Finally! Is “body language” really a “language” Give reasons!