SVYM Vidyakiran Budget Peesented by Reshu Jain Steward Asha SV
Project Description SAC project Location: Kote Taluk, Mysore Area (rural/urban): Urban Primary focus: Economically disadvantaged students wanting to pursue their 11 th and 12 th standards (I and II PUC)
Mission Statement Provide information on various courses and colleges Collaborate with educational institutions to obtain improved resources & facilities Assist students in developing skills that will help them handle the academic stresses they will face during their college education and support merit students with scholarships
Original Student Information Current students –96 students 72 Students from –Most will graduate this year –Some of the students will be joining College and continue getting supported 29 Students from (27 I PUC, and 2 diploma Students) Additional students to be sponsored –15 I PUC–Science students –15 I PUC–Commerce students –20 professional course students Total students for school year: 79 students
Challenges and Successes Challenges: –Ensuring that students chosen are dedicated to coming to the center and pursuing higher education Processes in place to overcome challenge: –Have contacts at the school who nominate students for the program –Conduct house visits for prospective students Successes: –100% of II PUC students are taking the exams to pursue graduation courses –All I PUC students promoted to II PUC (12th) course
Achievement in 2008 – 2009 Boys Girls Total Distinction st class nd class Just pass Fail TOTAL students of I PUC, II PUC, ITI, Diploma and BE students Course Number of students BE10 BSc15 BSc Nursing2 Diploma3 Paramedical2 TOTAL32
Proposed Budget
Proposed Budget - Salaries SALARIES TitleCost/MonthMonthsYearly Cost Program Manager8, ,000 Administrative Assistant7, ,000 TotalRs. 186,000 Program Manager: Jyothi Lakshmi Admin Assistant: Mrs. Savitha
Proposed Budget – Tution Costs Tution –Coaching classes for students OPERATIONAL COSTS Expense Cost/Month *subject#Yearly Cost II PUC Science students 2,500x425250,000 II PUC Commerce students and Diploma students2,500x2420,000 I PUC Science students2,000x ,000 I PUC Commerce students2,000x21560,000 TotalRs. 450,000
Proposed Budget – Operational Costs Rent –The SVYM-VidyaKiran center is located in the heart of Mysore which makes it easily accessible to the students Operational costs –Cost covers: Drinking water, electricity, stationeries, Photo coping, telephone, internet & office expenses OPERATIONAL COSTS ExpenseCost/MonthMonthsYearly Cost Rent11, ,000 Other Operational Costs2, ,400 TotalRs. 174,000
Proposed Budget - Visits VISITS ExpenseCost/Student# of VisitsTotal Cost House Visits ,000 Exposure Visits ,000 TotalRs. 46,000 House visits - Program manager visits the homes of prospective students to meet with them and their families and help assess their need of SVYM-VidyaKiran’s assistance - Cost covers: transportation (gas), food, Xerox charges, and battery for camera Exposure visits - Students visit software companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc., to gain exposure to various professions - Cost covers: transportation (to Bangalore), entrance fees (where required) and food
Proposed Budget - Transportation TRANSPORTATION ExpenseCost#Total Cost Transportation2,000/month12 months24,000 Bus Pass1200/student10 students12,000 TotalRs. 36,000 Transportation cost covers: - Visiting colleges for pre selection of students - Arranging hostel facilities for students - Visits to professional colleges - Visiting the students homes If they are not coming to the center Or, if they are having trouble in school Bus passes are only provided to select students who live very far from the SVYM-VidyaKiran center and their parents cannot afford to buy the bus passes themselves
Proposed Budget - Library LIBRARY Expense# of Sets Cost per SetTotal Cost Library Book Sets ,000 TotalRs. 10,000 Rather than providing each student with books to take home, the SVYM-VidyaKiran center has a library from which students can borrow books - This reduces costs and ensures students are still getting the information they need Cost covers: Text books and question banks. Will obtain other used textbooks from donors
Proposed Budget – Renovation of Classroom Classroom Renovation ExpenseCost per Room Room NeededTotal Cost Desks30,0001 TotalRs. 30,000 The SVYM-VidyaKiran center needs second classroom for coaching. Renovating the current classroom to make 2 class rooms 1 Book Self Stationeries like files, whiteboard … Textbooks and question banks.
Proposed Budget – Meetings COUNSELING AND MEETINGS ExpenseCost#Yearly Cost Professional Course10,000/student20 students200,000 Parent Meetings550/meeting4 meetings2,200 TotalRs. 202,200 Counseling for Professional colleges Will provide a series of aptitude tests to students Initial support for joining professional courses Cost of parent meetings include: venue and food
Proposed Budget - Miscellaneous MISCELLANEOUS ExpenseCost per Month # of MonthsYearly Cost Miscellaneous2, ,400 TotalRs. 26,400 Costs include: Staff meetings and review expenses Daily newspaper Food (a snack on Diwali or a light breakfast to students who can’t eat at home) Other minor expenditures
Budget Head Coordinator7000 x x Administrative Asst5000 x x II PUC Science5000 x x II PUC Commerce & Diploma5000 x x I PUC Science8000 x x I PUC commerce4000 x Professional cource10000 x x Operational Expenses2500 x x Rent12000 x x Miscellaneous Expenses2000 x x Exposure visits500 x x Library1000 x x Renovation of Class Room30000 Bus Pass1200 x x Transport Charges2500 x x Parents Meeting500 x x House Visits150 x x Desks500 x Counselling Meetings1000 x Total per student expense
Budget Summary April 2009-March 2010
Thank You for Your Time and Consideration Question and Answer Session