+ Islam: Empire of Faith, 3-2 and 3-3 Cornell Notes Check Take out a colored pen to make corrections on your notes
+ Islam: Empire of Faith # False. Muhammad himself was illiterate 2. Water is scarce – source of survival 3. In the Kaaba 4. Sacred place of peace, worship, and trade 5. There is one God = one people 6. Life after death
+ Muhammad and his followers migrate to Medina Merchants want to kill Muhammad Medina needs a mediator, asks Muhammad to come
+ Growth of Islam and development of the first mosque Muhammad’s house = first mosque Brought unity and peace with message Medina = city of the Prophet Face Mecca when praying Didn’t challenge other faiths
+ The people of Mecca battle Muhammad’s army Outnumbered but won Had a purpose and will to fight Other Bedouin tribes join M’s cause
+ Muhammad returns to Mecca Doesn’t destroy people Destroys idols in Kaaba = destroy tribal system
+ Arabia is unified under Islam Brings solidarity/unity to different parts of Arabia
+ The Empire expands Greater than Rome. Spain India Offers religious freedom Achievements like irrigation and water cleaning Takes over Dome of Rock
+ Muhammad’s Death No marker on grave Crisis: no successor Shia Muslims: believe ONLY relatives Sunni Muslims: believe ANY good Muslim/strong leader These two groups STILL fighting today
+ 3-2 A Message for Muhammad - what message did he receive? Message that he is God’s prophet
+ - What became of this message? Basis of religion Islam
+ A Belief in One God - list 3 beliefs/non beliefs of Muhammad Belief in one god, Allah Similar prophets as Jew and Christians Jesus is not son of God Jew and Christians “people of the book”
+ From Medina to the Rest of Arabia -What is hegira? Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina First year of Muslim calendar
+ 3-3 The Five Pillars of Islam Faith Statement of Faith Must say, “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet.” Prayer 5 times a day Facing Mecca
+ 5 Pillars continued Charity Donate part of wealth to charity fund Used to provide care for less fortunate Fasting Holy month of Ramadan No food and drink from sunrise to sunset Practice control over desires good/bad Young children, pregnant women, old people exempt Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca once in life Can send someone in your place