Strategy: An overall plan of action. British Goal: To seize the Hudson River Valley and cut off New England from other states. British Needed: 3 armies to meet at Albany, New York Armies Selected: General Burgoyne, Colonel Barry St. Leger, and General Howe Rendezvous: To meet at a designated location.
Called “Gentleman Johnny” June 1777 troops under Burgoyne left for Albany, New York July 1777 Captured Fort Ticonderoga Threw a celebration During the festivities, the American soldiers cut down trees to block his route American soldiers also burned crops and drove off cattle so the British couldn’t get supplies.
Supposed to rendezvous with Burgoyne Went to Pennsylvania instead September 1777, Howe defeated General Washington Howe then occupied Philadelphia October 1777 Washington attacked again and lost Washington retreated
Colonel St. Leger had problems reaching Albany to meet Burgoyne August 1777 American General Benedict Arnold led a small army up the Mohawk River Benedict Arnold defeated St. Leger Result: No one was able to rendezvous with General Burgoyne in Albany – mission failed.
Burgoyne’s army was out of supplies. American General Gates had learned a new Polish fortification system. Built earthen walls and fought behind them. Burgoyne could not break through the fortifications. October 7 th 1777, Benedict Arnold charged the British Burgoyne retreated Benedict Arnold was shot in the leg
Burgoyne moved to Saratoga Continental Army surrounded the British and fired on them all day and all night Burgoyne surrendered Consequences of Saratoga: Benedict Arnold betrayed the Patriot cause Today his name still means ‘traitor’