A: A palm tree! A: RUN FOREST, RUN A: They LOG in!!!!! Q: What kind of tree can fit into your hand? A: A palm tree! Q: What do you tell a rain-forest that is about to be cut down? A: RUN FOREST, RUN They LOG in!!!!! They LOG in!!!!! Q: How do trees get on the internet? A: They LOG in!!!!!
Biogeochemical cycles Phosphorus Cycle Sulfur Cycle Biogeochemical cycles Carbon Cycle Nitrogen Cycle
Each person on team researches and learns one cycle… and will teach teammates that cycle.
For each cycle, the presentation must include: Discuss the concepts in your research questions Emphasize the impact of human intervention on the cycle. You must provide your peers a note sheet on your cycle. Presentation 3 - 5 minutes. You presentation should be accurate, complete and be a quality of presentation. All class members will be responsible for all cycles on quizzes and Unit Assessment.
Unit 1 Test Out of 67 points C = 49 - 51 A = 63 - 68 C- = 47 - 48 B+ = 58 - 59 B = 56 - 57 B- = 53 - 54 C+ = 52 C = 49 - 51 C- = 47 - 48 D+ = 45 - 46 D = 43 - 44 D- = 40 - 42 F = 39 and below
Trash and plastics along beaches
Go over test Discuss part of survey Introduce project Work