SPAIN EXCHANGE A home-stay experience Sra. Lapman May 15, 2013
What is a home-stay exchange? There are two parts to a home-stay exchange: TRAVEL & HOST Part #1. September 2013 Part #2. February 2014
WHY? Students will successfully interact in a variety of cultural contexts that reflect both peer-group and adult activities within the target culture, using the appropriate verbal and nonverbal cues Students will communicate with members of the target culture and interpret information regarding topics of personal, community, or world interest Students will use new information and perspectives gained through world language study to expand their personal knowledge Students will analyze how other cultures view the role of the United States in the world arena Students will use new information and perspectives to demonstrate understanding of the similarities and differences among other cultures and their own culture
WHERE? Andalucia, Spain Algeciras (Cádiz) Our sister school (Colegio Los Pinos) Algeciras is a port city in the south of Spain, and is the largest city on the Bay of Gibraltar. The Port of Algeciras is one of the largest ports in Europe and in the world in three categories: container, cargo and transhipment
WHEN? Spanish students visit Lewis Mills High School (approximately) September 1 to September 20, 201 LSM students travel to Spain: (approximately) February 14 to February 23, 2014
WHO? students Students who have not previously participated in the program Students enrolled in Spanish Students in good academic standing Students with a good discipline record Upperclassmen Sophomores, Freshmen Family’s availability to accommodate guest’s needs Family Interview
HOW MUCH? (ESTIMATED) Airline tickets $ round trip Airport transportation LSM-JFK Bus $ round trip Airport transportation Malaga International Airport, Malaga, Spain Bus or train: $ Insurance (for individual purchase) Excursions (includes bus, tour guides, & entrance fees). Final total is to be divided by total number of travelers TBD-approx. $ Spending moneySouvenir, personal expenses Emergency funds$50.00 (transportation, miscellaneous) TOTAL PER STUDENT (this does not include spending money) $1, The approximate cost per student is $ 1, (excluding optional insurance). The price above includes airfare, airport transportation, excursion day transportation & entrance fees, and a $50.00 emergency fund The price does NOT include optional insurance, souvenirs and free-time activities with host families. Payment will be made in 3 installments
ITINERARY Proposed Itinerary for the Home-stay Exchange Spain Trip (to be confirmed): Depart LSM: Feb. 14 Arrive to Malaga, Spain: Feb. 15 Attend school at Colegio Los Pinos and shadow host students (Non-Excursion Days) Day-trip excursions to nearby cultural points of interest (Specific dates TBD based on bus & tour availability: Spain Lead Teacher Susana Ortega Calvo) Return to LSM: Feb. 23
TO DO Application checklist: ____ I completed the student information page ____ I wrote the essay (the letter to my potential host family) in Spanish and attached it to my application ____ I have asked my character reference to fill out the recommendation form and return to Sra.Lapman ____ I have turned in the teacher recommendation form to my Spanish teacher ____ My parents have read the letter that came with this form and have signed my application
¡Os animamos a participar!