Chapt. 4 Magnetic properties of materials


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Presentation transcript:

Chapt. 4 Magnetic properties of materials Prof. Kee-Joe Lim, 261-2424 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Chungbuk National University 2006/3/1

Scope of this chapter some fundamental concepts concerning magnetic fields essence of the atomic theory of magnetic dipoles atomic interpretation of dia-, para-, ferro-, antiferro- and ferri-magnetism application of magnetic materials

Summary of concepts pertaining to magnetic fields Definition of magnetic flux density ; B defined in terms of the force exerted by a magnetic field on a current-carrying wire magnetic fields are produced by electric currents [law of Biot-Savart] ; No physical significance ; relative permeability – depended on materials This quantity is the parameter which can be interpreted in terms of the atomic properties of the medium

relation between B and H magnetic field ; H Ampere’s law; the line integral of H around a single closed path is equal to the current enclosed relation between B and H Linear and isotropic medium only Nonlinear ; ferromagnetic materials anisotropic ; single crystal- tensor expression

4.2 Magnetic dipole moment of a current loop difference between electricity and magnetism 정자기학 magnetic dipole = motion of electric charges Relation between a current loop and magnetic dipole z F P I S n Q 90o-q y q x B R F Current loop The results can be apply for a current loop of any shape

Magnetization from a macroscopic viewpoint dI dA H dl How can we achieve a flux density inside the cavity that remains the same as it was when the material was present ? Cavity내부 자계를 만큼 증가시키기 위하여는 솔레노이드 전류와 동일 방향으로 의 전류를 소코일에 흘리면 된다. -자계가 인가된 자성체는 단위체적당 M의 자기쌍극자 모멘트를 가지고 있다. (거시적 특성량과 원자론적 의미 관계)

Magnetization from a macroscopic viewpoint correspondence or ? comparison between magnetism and electricity ………… ………… …………

Orbital magnetic dipole moment and angular momentum in circular Bohr orbit model 1 Bohr magneton ( Ma has same dimension as h )

Orbital magnetic dipole moment and angular momentum in spherical charge cloud model w R h +e r -e 결과식은 두 모델에서 동일하며, r에도 무관함 Hold for any volume element of charge distribution

[보충자료] 운산과정

4.5 Lenz’s law and induced dipole moments Faraday’s law Lenz’s law Neumann’s law How does the induced current in the coil vary with time ? The current remains constant for t > t0. Thus, a permanent change has been accomplished; the current can be made equal to zero only by reducing the flux to zero.

Induced dipole moment in circular Bohr orbit model(1) 0 -> B 로 증가시키면 (단, B 인가시도 R은 일정으로 가정) -e R +e F = -eE B v0 : Larmor angular frequency Induced dipole moment has a direction opposite to the applied magnetic flux density. This results is independent of the initial direction of rotation. It will also keep its new angular frequency w as long as B remains constant.

Induced dipole moment in circular Bohr orbit model(2) - Lorentz force 고려 - -e R v +e B The result is the same as that of model (1) !

Induced dipole moment in homogeneous spherical charge distribution model F B ; 0 -> B r+dr R +e r r B Top view B Induced dipole moment is independent of the initial angular frequency w0 of the charge distribution. Hence, a magnetic dipole moment will be induced in the atomic model, independent of whether the model has a “permanent” magnetic dipole moment or not.

4.6 classification of magnetic materials 분류 기준: 영구자기쌍극자 모멘트 유무, 쌍극자 모멘트간 상호작용 classification Permanent dipole Interaction between neighboring dipoles diamagnetic No - paramagnetic Yes Negligible ferromagnetic Parallel orientation antiferromagnetic Antiparallel orientation of equal moments ferrimagnetic yes Antiparallel orientation of unequal moments Curie law Curie-Weiss law qf

4.7 Diamagnetism(반자성) This expression is valid for diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials at all temperatures, but for the other classes only above a certain temperature. Table 4.2 the susceptibility of some diamagnetic materials As long as the electronic structure of the material is independent of temperature, the magnetic susceptibility is also essentially independent of temperature. Comparing with experimental value and theoretical value (by Lenz’s law) in solid with an atom contains 10 electrons; eq. (4.57) Lentz’s law에 기초한 induced magnetic dipole moment 모델은 실측 결과와 잘 부합 * Superconductor is a perfect diamagnetic material; susceptibility = -1

Origin of permanent magnetic dipoles in matter Whenever a charged particle has an angular momentum, the particle will contribute to the permanent dipole moment. - There are three contributions to the angular momentum of a atom (i) orbital angular momentum of electrons (ii) electron spin angular momentum (iii) nuclear spin angular momentum - Orbital angular momentum of electrons Orbital (angular) momentum quantum number l determines the orbital angular momentum which is measured in units of h/2p Magnetic quantum number ml determines the component of angular momentum along an external field direction

a completely filled shell l=1 ml =1(h/2p), 0, -1(-h/2p) orbital dipole moment -eh/4pm, 0, +eh/4pm a completely filled electronic shell contributes nothing to the orbital permanent dipole moment of a atom. Incomplete outer shell no contribution because of “frozen in” Transition elements (incomplete inner shell) Iron groups ( Z=21 ~ 28; 3d ) ( Z=39~45; 4d ) Rare earth groups ( Z=58~71; 4f ) ( Z=89~92; 6d ) In case of the elements of the rare earths group, the permanent orbital dipole moments do contribute to the magnetic susceptibility, but contribution from orbital magnetic dipoles will be neglected. 1 Bohr magneton (보아磁子) = eh/4p m =9.27 x 10-24 [Am2]

Electron spin magnetic dipole moment spin angular momentum along a given direction is either +1/2(= +h/4p) or -1/2(= -h/4p) S=1/2, angular momentum=h/4p, dipole moment=-eh/4p m = - 1 Bohr magneton complete electronic shell ; no contribution incomplete outer shell ; no contribution incomplete inner shell ( transition element; iron group ) Hund’s rule Iron group ; 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d0~10, 4s2 전자의 spin은 Pauli의 원리가 성립하는 범위내에서 서로 평행되어 최대의 합성 spin s를 형성한다

Nuclear magnetic moments angular momentum associated with the nuclear spin is measured in units h/2p , and is of the same order of magnitude as electron spin and orbital angular momentum of the electrons. Mass of the nucleus is larger than that of an electron by a factor of the order of 103. The magnetic dipole moment associated with nuclear spin is of the order of 10-3 Bohr magnetons. Since nuclear magnetic dipole moments are small compared to those associated with electrons, its contribution may be neglected

Paramagnetic spin system 가정; 자화에는 전자spin만 기여, 원자당 dipole moment = 1 Bohr magneton( b =eh/4pm) 체적당 원자수 N(개/m3) 자계와 평행한 원자수 Np, 반평행 Na

( i ) (for ) ( ii ) Saturation, see fig. 4.18 ( At room temperature ) Curie law Table 4.4 susceptibility of some paramagnetic materials

Diamagnetic contribution도 있으나 미미함(-10-5, 10-3) 대표적인 응용 분야 To obtain very low temperature(<1oK] by adiabatic demagnetization(斷熱減磁) MASER ( microwave amplification through stimulated emission by radiation ) s entropy T, temperature


4.10 Some properties of ferromagnetic materials Temperature To be similar to paramagnetism unique relation between B and H susceptibility and permeability are defined as susceptibility depends on temperature in accordance with Curie- Weiss law ; paramagnetic curie temp. ( > qf ) qf Ferromagnetism hysteresis in B versus H curves spontaneous magnetization consist of a number of magnetic domains * definition of initial permeability, differential permeability, remanent flux density, coercive force qf ; Ferromagnetic Curie Temperature

4.11 spontaneous magnetization and Curie-weiss law ( Br ~ 1 [T] ; see Table 4.5) If an atomic dipole moment is 1 Bohr magneton, all dipoles lined up in parallel, to obtain the observed magnetization. Weiss had suggested that in ferromagnetic materials the internal field seen by a given dipole is equal to the applied field plus a contribution from the neighboring dipoles which tends to align it in the same direction as its neighbors as first hypothesis. for 1) At high temperature Discussion Curie-Weiss law (empirical law)와 Weiss 이론 모델은 잘 합치됨 C ~ 0.3, = 650~1093 K, see pp. 109, ~ 103 This result cannot be explained in terms of classical physics i.e. electromagnetics ; they are due to the wave nature of electrons and in wave mechanics are called quantum mechanical exchange forces

4.11 spontaneous magnetization and Curie-weiss law 강자성체는 특정온도 영역(큐리온도이하)에서 자발자화가 존재한다 - 이 현상을 어떻게 이해하여야 하는가 ? - 큐리온도 이상에서 성립하는 Curie-Weiss law에 의하면 온도(T)가 일 때, 자화율은 무한대가 된다. 이것은 자계 비 인가시(즉, 자계가 zero 일 때)도 자화가 zero아닐 수 있음을 의미한다. 다음 식으로 부터 구할 수 있다 H = 0 이면 이 식에서 T 에 따라 M 은 어떻게 변할까 ? ; 비선형적인 식이므로 도식적인 방법으로 구함 T에 따라 두식을 동시에 만족하는 M/Msat 를 구함 M/Msat vs. T

Ferromagnetic domains and coercive force How can we explain the fact that a piece of iron may not exhibit a resultant magnetization? 시편은 자발자화의 방향이 서로 다른 다수개의 영역( 磁區; magnetic domain)으로 구성됨(Weiss의 제2 가설) How can we explain the hysteresis in the B versus H curves of ferromagnetic materials ? Domain rotation 6 5 4 7 H 1 2 3 4 5 3 2 8 1 8 7 6 Motion of domain wall

Discussion 초기 ; 가역적 그 후 비가역적 Barkhausen effect Coercive force, Hc 대/소 Hysteresis curve is associated with the motion of domain wall and, to some extent by domain rotation The coercive force is determined by the mobility of the walls The mobility of the domain walls is determined by impurities, lattice imperfections, etc. It is possible to design materials which require a large or a small coercive force Barkhausen effect is due to irregular fluctuations in the motion of domain walls 초기 ; 가역적 그 후 비가역적 Barkhausen effect Coercive force, Hc 대/소 구동력 ; H 간거리 : B

Antiferromagnetic materials ferromagnetic materials shows the tendency for parallel alignment of the electron spins due to quantum mechanical exchange force In certain materials, for example when the distance between the interacting atoms is small, the exchange forces produce a tendency for antiparallel alignment of electron spins of neighboring atoms due to quantum mechanical exchange force History Theoretical study on antiferromagnetism by Neel and Bitter Discovered antiferromagnetic material, MnO experimentally by Bizette, Squire and Tsai for Fig. 4.27

Antiferromagnetic materials A-sites의 내부자계 ; B-sites의 내부자계 ; At high temperature, 위 두식은 근사적으로 위의 이론적 모델에 의한 결과는 실험적인 결과와 잘 일치됨

Neel temperature(부격자 위치, sub-lattice에 자발자화가 있기 시작하는/ 자발자화가 사라지는 온도)의 존재에 대한 이해 이 식에서 Ma, Mb 가 zero아닌 유한치가 될 조건은 ? H=0 Neel temperature (TN) 는 상자성큐리온도( q )와 동일한 것으로 나타나고 있음 실측하면 TN < q 임(see Table 4.7), 이론 모델과 실측결과의 차이는 이론 모델의 단순함에 기인 이론 모델은 반강자성체의 일반적인 성질을 잘 묘사하고 있음 Sub lattice별로 dipole의 반평행배열에 대한 실험적 사실 ; neutron diffraction study

Ferrimagnetic materials (ferrites) 특징 전기전도도(고유저항)이 반도체 정도 Eddy current loss가 매우 적음, 고주파용 변압기 core, 고주파용 자기 소자 영구자석(고보자력재료)로도 활용됨 Metal oxides의 Solid solution ( 세라믹 ) 임 재료 와 의 고용체(solid solution) B( O ) iron ferrite( ) Experimental results by Weiss and Forrer ; 4 Bohr magnetons Neel had explained in terms of a model conisting of two sub-lattices Inverse spinel structure Oxygen ions form a close-packed fcc. Every four oxygen ions, there two octahedral holes and one tetrahedral hole. Metal ions are distributed over these holes. A( T )

Oxygen ions form a close-packed fcc Oxygen ions form a close-packed fcc. Every four oxygen ions, there two octahedral holes and one tetrahedral hole A; tetrahedral site 4개 산소이온 B; octahedral site 6개 산소이온 Normal spinel structure B(O); 2Fe3+, A(T); Me2+ Inverse spinel structure B(O); Fe3+, Me2+ A(T); Fe3+

It is observed that if in Fe3O4 , some of the magnetic Fe2+ ions are replaced by non-magnetic ions such as Zn2+ or Cd 2+, the magnetization increases ! Zinc ferrite – normal spinel structure B( O ) A( T )

자성체와 자화율의 온도의존성 Curie law Curie-Weiss law

<111>; cube diagonal Table 8.4 Exchange interaction, magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy K, and saturation magnetostriction coefficient λsat Material Crystal Eex ≈ kTC (meV) Easy Hard K (mJ cm−3) λsat (× 10−6 ) Fe BCC 90 <100>; cube edge <111>; cube diagonal 48 20 [100] −20 [111] Co HCP 120 // to c axis ^ to c axis 450 Ni FCC 50 5 −46 [100] −24 [111]

- 전자연철, 금속 연자성(고투자율)재료 고보자력(영구자석)재료 경자성재료 요구특성 요구특성 재료 - 고투자율 합금 재료 고보자력(영구자석)재료 경자성재료 요구특성 - 초기투자율 클것 - 최대투자율 클것 - 보자력 작을 것 - 포화자속밀도 클것 요구특성 - 보자력 클것 - 잔류자속밀도 클것 - 최대에너지적(B와 H의 곱의 최대치) 클것 재료 - 전자연철, 금속 - 고투자율 합금 - 비정질 합금 - 고투자율 페라이트 재료 고보자력 합금 고보자력화합물 고보자력 페라이트

Soft and hard magnetic materials

(a) A transformer with N turns in the primary. (b) Laminated core reduces eddy current losses.

A ferrite antenna of an AM receiver.

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전자파 편광면 회전, 응용 자성체에 의한 편광면 회전 Isolator, circulator




1 MA/m

The principle of longitudinal magnetic recording on a flexible medium, e.g. magnetic tape in an audio cassette

GMR(Giant magnetoresistance)

GMR(Giant magnetoresistance)

노벨 물리학상 ‘ 거대자기저항 ’ 발견 공로 공동수상 [경향신문 2007-10-10 18:27] 올해 노벨 물리학상 수상자로 프랑스의 알베르 페르(69)와 독일의 페터 그륀베르크(68)가 선정됐다. 스웨덴 왕립과학원의 물리학분야 노벨위원회는 9일 ‘ 거대자기저항(GMR) ’ 을 발 견한 공로를 인정해 이들을 공동 수상자로 결정했다고 밝혔다. 왕립과학원은 “ GMR는 컴퓨터 하드디스크에서 자료를 읽어 들이는 기술에 혁명을 일으켰 다 ” 며 “ 이는 전도 유망한 나노기술을 실제에 적용한 최초의 사례 ” 라고 선정 이유를 설명했 다. 하드 드라이브에 저장된 자료를 읽어내는 데 활용되는 GMR는 현재 컴퓨터와 디지털 음악 재생기, 비디오 재생기 등에 두루 사용되고 있다. 이 기술의 적용으로 하드 드라이브의 저 장용량이 대폭 늘어날 수 있게 됐다. 페르와 그륀베르크는 각자 연구를 진행하던 중 1988년 GMR를 발견했다. GMR 현상 하에 선 매우 미미한 정도의 자기력( 磁氣力 ) 변화도 전기 저항에 큰 차이를 불러온다. 이는 하드 디스크에 자기적으로 기록된 정보가, 어떻게 컴퓨터가 읽을 수 있는 전기 신호로 전환되는 지를 설명해 준다. 페르는 파리11대학에서 박사학위를 받고 현재 이 대학 교수로 재직 중이다. 그륀베르크는 다름슈타트공과대학에서 박사학위를 받았으며 독일 월리히연구센터에 교수로 재직하고 있다. 그륀베르크는 수상 소식을 전해들은 뒤 스웨덴 라디오 인터뷰에서 “ 굉장하고 대단하다 ” 고 소감을 밝혔다. 페르는 “ 나 자신과 가족, 동료들에게 매우 행복한 일 ” 이라며 “ 내가 존경하 던 그륀베르크와 공동 수상하게 돼 기쁘다 ” 고 말했다. 알베르 페르(왼쪽)와 페터 그륀베르크