“Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.” OHS High School and Beyond...
Where does our journey begin? Who Am I? Skills, Interests, Values, Learning Style & Lifestyle Preference What, then, can I become? Career options based on “Who Am I?”…. How do I become that? Education/Training needed for your career(s) of interest.
Counselors…. We’re here to help You!
Apprenticeship or Technical School Employment or Gap Year Military Where will your journey take you after high school? “When you come to a fork in the road … Take it.” – Yogi Berra 2 or 4-year College
FACT: A 4-year Degree is NOT a guarantee of a family wage job This is a National statistic
2 and 4 Year College Admissions (Recommended) Courses for College Preparation 4 credits English 3 credits Math ( Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 are minimums ) Seniors must take a “meaningful math” ( Statistics, Accounting, Personal Finance, or other course ) unless already through PreCal 2 credits Science Lab science, including one credit of Algebra-based Biology, Chemistry or Physics ( most colleges want Chemistry or Physics ) 3 credits Social Studies 2 credits World Languages 1 credit Fine Art Students must take at least 3 “core” courses each year, including the senior year. (4)(4) (3-4)
Is the Military a good option for me? Bailey Kilmer OHS Class of ‘11 Which colleges have a program for the branch I want? The application process begins junior year! for tuition, housing & spending is possible…. Education and Career Training in exchange for service…. Serve while you learn! Jan 6 th – chat with former students in ROTC right now!
Earn While You Learn Transferrable Certificate & Skills Advancement Potential
If you can DREAM it, you can ACHIEVE it! + What are your GOALS and DREAMS? Think about it…. S pecific M easurable A chievable R ewarding T ime-Oriented
High School & Beyond Plan What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. – Oliver Wendell Holmes TODAY’S TASKS: Perceptual Data Survey Goal Setting ~ Short & Long term Learning Styles Inventory Matchmaker & My Skills
Login = ohs- last name first initial middle initial (no spaces) EX: ohs-reykdalke Password = your student/login number ( add a 0 at the beginning if only 6 #’s ) Check out the website’s new “home page” while everyone gets logged in….