The Prosecution of Bradley Sarchet Winn Haslam, Shayeta Howell Parker Armstrong CASE # 26 – MCC – 114
Victim Jeremy Freiling Head Lab Assistant, strict access.
Possible Suspects Bradley Sarchet Blackmail? Money? Carrie Keiler Promotion? Accomplice? Joe Schwartz Money? Alcoholism? Violent?
Timeline 22:05 – Bradley Enters 22:45 – Jeremy and Bradley Fight 22:51 - Bradley Shoots Jeremy 22:55 - last access via keypad 23:01 - Body is discovered by police
Interior Scene
Bloody Shoe; Aim to Kill
Point of Entry
Fingerprint Comparison
DNA Comparison Match Odds of same DNA: 150 billion [2]
Blood Type CS – O Negative Jeremy – A positive Bradley – O negative Carrie - O negative Alex – A negative Joe – B negative Blood recovered belongs to male. Bradley claimed to not know his blood type.
Circumstance Cars in the parking lot Keypad entry log Licenses plate ME Report Alibi
Theft – Forced Entry
Theft vs. Protocol
Leg wound recon.
Photographic evidence
Evidence Cont.
Shoe Print loc. & dir.
Shoes Shoes recovered match the shoe print.
Fiber Anaylsis
Opportunity Worked on Campus Parking lot Keypad access, professor keys Blood, Fingerprints, Fiber, Shoeprint [Asics shoe]
Charges First Degree Murder Theft [Robbery] Assault and Battery
Work cited [1] [2] globalize/MaeWanHo/HumanGmap.html