Meet the teacher! 2014
Welcome to Year 5! Mrs Hill
Overview of tonight Lessons and assessments Topics covered Homework Routines and systems Uniform Snacks and Lunch Parent/Teacher communication procedures Some information needed from you
Aims Cater to every child's needs Provide challenge and success in learning Provide a means to enable all to access the learning Provide a safe and happy learning environment
Lessons Science History PE French Music Maths English Geography ICT Sport RE Art / D & T
New National Curriculum Launched in September 2014 Years 2 and 6 complete their Key Stage work Expectations are raised e.g. maths Subjects are more ‘discrete’ There is some prescription (e.g. Roman Numerals, GPS) and also some choice, (e.g. English genres)
Homework Given out on Friday to be handed in the following Wednesday. English and maths every week Encourage reading to you or to themselves every night Weekly spellings and times tables tests
Uniform Smart uniforms please – named Book bags Trying to discourage rucksacks unless absolutely necessary PE kits in on Mondays – named Letters to communicate any issues, or telephone call to the office if change of collection arrangements
Snacks and Lunch Please ensure a healthy snack is brought in for break time As a school we encourage healthy eating and appreciate your support with healthy lunches If you have any concerns that your child may not be eating properly, or finishing all their lunch, please let us know.
Parent / Teacher Communication Parent evenings – Autumn Term –Nov 11 th (late), Nov 13 th (early) Parent evenings – Spring Term Reports – Summer Term Open door policy Parentmail Newsletters Website – improving!
From you… Letters for collection arrangements Information regarding absence If your child is to be excused from PE Absence requests Emergency contact details
Routines and Systems Diamond Rules House Points System Parent / Teacher partnership
Y5 visits Pangbourne College Junior Teamwork Challenge (10 children) Council Offices to meet Mayor (16 children) Trip to Sutton Hoo Gallery at Britich Museum (all)
Y5 visits Trinity Primary Liaison events –3.45 – 5.15pm for 4 students each –Music, MFL, Science, Humanities, D & T, Art, English, PE –Children have been asked to provide their preferences for which they would like to attend.
Thank you for coming!