The European Society for Research in Mathematics Education Welcome to ERME
BJ ERME Meeting in Osnabrück, Germany
BJ ERME The Three Cs Communication Communication Cooperation Cooperation Collaboration Collaboration
BJ ERME A Congress -- CERME Bi-annual Bi-annual Designed to really work together on research in mathematics education across nations Designed to really work together on research in mathematics education across nations Working groups – 12 hours of work Working groups – 12 hours of work High scientific quality and intellectual challengeHigh scientific quality and intellectual challenge Inclusive spirit Inclusive spirit All nationsAll nations All levels of experienceAll levels of experience Support for under-represented countries – especially those in eastern Europe Support for under-represented countries – especially those in eastern Europe
BJ ERME The CERME Spirit Communication, cooperation and collaboration Communication, cooperation and collaboration Bringing nations closer in understanding each other’s perspectives and in building common groundBringing nations closer in understanding each other’s perspectives and in building common ground Inclusiveness Inclusiveness Enabling all to be involved in a supportive and respectful environment that enables full participationEnabling all to be involved in a supportive and respectful environment that enables full participation Quality Quality Serious intellectual challenge and high scientific qualitySerious intellectual challenge and high scientific quality
BJ ERME YERME Young researchers in ERME Young researchers in ERME Bringing newcomers centrally into the community Bringing newcomers centrally into the community Building expertiseBuilding expertise Establishing common understandings with respect for diversityEstablishing common understandings with respect for diversity Enabling full scientific engagementEnabling full scientific engagement Providing for the future Providing for the future
BJ ERME You … are the future of ERME