The Role of a Central Bank
What are they called? Find the names of the Central Banks of the following countries: USA England Australia Singapore Where you were born
What is the role of a Central Bank? Issue notes and coins (currency) Manages payments from the government and revenue to the government Manages national debt (government debt) Implements Monetary Policy Manages foreign reserves Acts as banker for the banks (account settlements) Prudential Supervision
What is the Stock market? Find the meaning of the following: Stock market Stock exchange Equity market Shareholder Market capitalization Dividends
Ordinary shares Preference shares Government bonds Stock broker Share price indices Speculation Bull market Bear market
Stock exchanges Name the top 5 stock exchanges in the world. How did you decide the top 5? Visit one website from the top 5. What type of information os available on this site? Lets play the Takeover Game… see if you can form a monopoly.