Who or what is this cartoon critiquing? What methods does the artist use? How does this make you feel?
Satire A work that ridicules its subject through the use of techniques such as in order to make a comment or criticism about it exaggeration, reversal, incongruity, and/or parody
To begin Write down three current events (local or global). Circle the one most worthy of satire. How might you do this?
Recent Onion Headlines Obama Not Ruling Out U.S. Military Action in Congress Nation Recalls Simpler Time When Health Care System Was Broken Beyond Repair. Sports Media Not Sure How It Going to Fit Super Bowl Coverage Into Just 2 Short Weeks. Parents of Adorable Baby on TV Show Most Likely Insane Copy Of 'The Scarlet Letter' Can't Believe The Notes High Schooler Writing In Margins Netflix Instant Thinking About Adding Good Movie Unemployed, Miserable Man Still Remembers Teacher Who First Made Him Fall In Love With Writing.
As we watch the clip What is being satirized? – Basically, who looks stupid? – What is it they are saying about society? What techniques are being used? – Exaggeration? – Reversal? – Incongruity? – Parody?