CCA/UNDAF Quality Assurance Process Resident Representatives Meeting April 2008
1 1 CCA/UNDAF Process in RBEC Flexibility in the preparation of CCAs / UNDAFs analysis is available from different sources; socio-economic situation and national policies are quickly evolving. Cluster of countriesSuggested modification to CCA/UNDAF process 1. EU member states: Bulgaria and Romania · No CCA/UNDAF (UNICEF, UNDP and UNFPA will not be submitting new CPDs to their Executive Boards in 2009) 2. EU Candidate and “Potential” Candidate Countries: BiH, Serbia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro, UN Administered Territory of Kosovo · Use existing analytical documents instead of CCA, with additional analysis where the EU processes (linked to the Aquis Communitaire) have well-known limitations in the area of social development reform · Re-position the current UNDAF to better ensure its interface and relevance with ongoing government efforts to converge towards EU standards. 3. EU “Neighboring (New Neighborhood)” countries : Armenia, Azerbaijan · Maintain the CCA, focusing it on analyzing policy options, positioning UN as a pro-active and relevant knowledge broker · Revise UNDAF with fewer more strategic results useful to governments that are still in the midst of transition. 4. Central Asia countries: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan · Maintain the standard process, while exercising flexibility in using CCAs and UNDAF processes as targeted tools for negotiating UN’s leadership position in supporting specific elements of the national development strategies, carefully harmonized with international efforts.
2 2 Status of CO information Bosnia and Herzegovina: schedule submitted Macedonia: no CCA, UNDAF workshop in June Serbia: CCA/UNDAF prepartion start in May Tajikistan: UNDAF workshop early May Uzbekistan: CCA complete, no RC in place Kazakhstan: UNDAF workshop mid-May Armenia: UNDAF evaluation, new process Sept. Azerbaijan: potentially postpone by 1 year Turkmenistan: no CCA Kosovo: reopen strategic plan, high-level QA Montenegro: no
3 3 Quality Assurance role Oversee and support UNCTs to ensure a quality and timely process in accordance with the UNDAF Guidelines. Ensure full engagement and teamwork of the UN System UNDP as the convening agency: (accountable to the Regional Directors’ Team)
4 4 CCA/UNDAF Process in RBEC Set up and manage a Peer Support Grou p with the participation of all involved agencies The Bratislava Regional Centre substantive quality assurance and coordination role on behalf of RBEC Support communicati ons between the UNCTs and the Peer Support Group Manage the draft reviews, provide feedback and finalize the papers together with the UNCTs based on comments received during the review process Ensure early assessment of the capacity of the UNCT and identify support to capacity needs (support UNDAF workshops) Monitoring progress and providing early alerts of slippages against quality and/or time
5 5 Quality Points “Un-evaluability” of UNDAFs Many UNDAFs (globally) could not be assessed for results - lacked SMART results and clearly defined baselines, targets. Build on a good base of UNDAFs No need to go back to the ‘drawing board’, rather critically analyse current UNDAFs, adjust outcomes, and clearly define Agencies’ individual contributions, as well as joint results. Value and comparative advantage of UN A focused approach to enhance the Value of the UN as a strategic agency for change. Middle-income country specificities. More focus on high-policy impact issues UNCTs will concentrate their efforts to dialogue with the government about a few high-impact policy issues.
6 6 Quality review of documents Timeline Plan of engagement (agreed w/partners) (Design workshop) Identify support needs Analytical process (Strategic Planning Retreat) Focus on 3-5 national priorities- UNDAF formulation Drafting Sept. CCA draft due March2010 New UNDAF UNDAF signature date 7 March Jan 2009 Draft Country Programme Document Dec. UNDAF draft due Submission to EB for June Session
7 7 Training and learning opportunities UNDAF Design workshop UNDAF strategic Planning Retreats UNCT Coordination and Leadership Workshop Partnering Skills for strategic engagement Consensus Building Institute (CBI) training (This is a high-quality training by CBI, affiliated with Harvard University; available for a limited number which may need specific support on strategic planning.) Ongoing support: Online training kit Online UNDAF results matrix Virtual team building support
8 8 What’s needed from you Your CCA/UNDAF approach (What form the adjustments be in your particular country context.) Ensure that the full UNCT is in agreement. Plan for the entire process – calendar of events Organize preparations and related scheduling well in advance to allow time for the reviews. Let us know your support needs Which UNDG-offered training you would like to participate in Whether your UNCT requires training on human-rights-based approach to programming What support do you need from BRC apart from the QA process
9 9 Next steps from us Set up Peer Review Group Contract coordinator and then later on review lead Coordinate overall calendar Manage training needs