Teacher In Service Program (TISP) 01-Oct-2009 IEEE Ottawa Section
Agenda Introductions Objectives IEEE Overview TISP Overview Q&A
Introductions Jennifer Ng – TISP Champion Raed Abdullah – Ottawa Section Chair
Objectives Develop challenging activities for pre- university students Form collaborative relationships with School Boards
IEEE Quick Facts More than 375,000 members, including over 80,000 students, in over 160 countries. 329 Sections in ten geographic regions worldwide. About 1,800 chapters that unite local members with similar technical interests. More than 1,750 student branches at colleges and universities in 80 countries. 38 societies and 7 technical councils representing the wide range of technical interests. 144 transactions, journals and magazines. More than 900 conferences sponsored annually Nearly 1,300 standards and projects under development Volunteerism is a core value of IEEE
Concerns Flat or declining engineering/STEM enrollments in most developed nations — Coupled with disappointing performance of youth in Mathematics Insufficient number of engineers and engineering educational programs in most developing countries — Asia is accelerating their number of engineers per capita Women & minority students conspicuously still under- represented Public perception of engineers/ engineering/ technology is largely misinformed — Resulting in early decisions that block the path of children to Engineering/STEM fields
Percentage of Science Degrees Awarded Science degrees include life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, statistics, computer sciences, engineering, manufacturing, and building Source: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
BS Degrees Awarded (US) Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics
From Collegeboard.com: Broadcast Journalism It helps to be…Are you ready to… A fan of science and math who’s curious about the way things work Spend hours building detailed, complicated systems Try, try, and try again when at first a project doesn’t succeed From Collegeboard.com: Electrical Engineering It helps to be…Are you ready to… Sharp of mind and quick of tongueLearn how to find and interview sources?
The Teacher In Service Program (TISP) IEEE Section engineers develop and present technology- oriented projects to local pre-university educators — Started at the Florida West Coast Section in 2001 — Lesson plans in English and Spanish for teachers and engineers — Lesson plans matched to educational standards URL — pt/index.html pt/index.html
TISP Metrics To Date 50+ presentations to date More than 675 pre-university educators have participated (Science, technology and mathematics educators) These educators represent 70,000+ students Recent countries include South Africa, Peru, Canada and China Over 90% of the respondents agreed: — They would use the concepts presented in their instruction — Doing so would enhance the level of technological literacy of their students
TISP Workshop Objectives To promote an awareness of the need for technological literacy To provide a hands-on demonstration of mathematics, engineering, and technology for classroom use To promote awareness of the connections between mathematics, science, and technology standards To provide information about resources available to support mathematics, science, and technology instruction
Suggested TISP Half Day Program Introduction / Background 15min — Share objectives — Connections to state standards Discussion / Presentation of concepts Activity #1 30min Group work/hands-on segment 45min Debrief and discuss applications 20min Discussion / Presentation of concepts Activity #2 30min Group work/hands-on segment 45min Debrief and discuss applications 20min Summarize concepts presented and objectives 20min Questions/comments10min Housekeeping5min — Complete the teacher feedback questionnaire
IEEE TISP LESSON PLANS Simple Machines Ages 4-9 (Lesson Focus: Simple machines: their principles and uses) Insulators & Conductors Ages 8-14 (Lesson Focus: Demonstrate conductors and insulators) Electric Switch Ages 8-14 (Lesson Focus: Demonstrate how switches control circuits) Design Candy Bag Ages 8-14 (Lesson Focus: Evaluate, design, and build a better candy bag) Series & Parallel circuits Ages 8-14 (Lesson Focus: Demonstrate parallel and serial circuit design) Flashlights & Batteries Ages 7-11 (Lesson Focus: Demonstrate electrical circuits in a flashlight)
IEEE TISP LESSON PLANS Electric Motors Ages (Lesson Focus: Electric Motors: principles and everyday uses) Light Waves & Spectroscopes Ages (Lesson Focus: Light and Spectrometry) Robot Arm Ages (Lesson Focus: Develop a robot arm using common materials) Ohm’s Law Ages (Lesson Focus: Demonstrate Ohm's Law with digital multi-meter) Buzzer Circuit Ages 8-14 (Lesson Focus: Demonstrate how two switches interact in an electrical circuit such as that used to sound a buzzer Solid Conductors Ages 8-14 (Lesson Focus: Demonstrate the concept of solid conductors)
IEEE TISP LESSON PLANS Planet Gamma Orbit Ages (Lesson Focus: Random error and systematic error) Nail Clipper Model Ages (Lesson Focus: Develop a working model of a nail clipper) Rotational Equilibrium Ages (Lesson Focus: Demonstrate rotational equilibrium concepts)