Thematic Studies In Bible Basics
Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions Ê The authority of Christ portrayed in the Scripture Mt 17:1-5 & Heb 1:2 Being transfigured (changed) in the presence of His disciples gave Jesus the opportunity to be exalted as the One who must be heard now vv. 4-5 SPOKESMAN
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions Ê The authority of Christ portrayed in the Scripture Heb 9:15-17 Through His death, Jesus has mediated a better covenant…His will, ratified (sealed) by His blood, is authoritative and unalterable re: the inheritance v. 15 TESTATOR
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions Ê The authority of Christ portrayed in the Scripture Acts 2:29-36 & 2 Sam 7:16 God’s promise made to David was ultimately fulfilled in Jesus upon His exaltation to the Father’s right hand to rule the N.T. kingdom vv KING
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions Ê The authority of Christ portrayed in the Scripture Eph 1:22-23 & Col 1:18 Because of what He accomplished in God’s scheme for man’s redemption, Jesus is the Head of the body… directing all the actions of the body HEAD
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions Î The apostles’ authority portrayed in the Scripture 2 Cor 5:18-20 Being the “official message carriers” for the King, they acted in accordance with this delegated authority Theirs was a “ministry of reconciliation” AMBASSADORS
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions Î The apostles’ authority portrayed in the Scripture Mt 19:28 & Lk 22:30 They would be given “seats of judgment” (thrones) They would “judge” through what they spoke, wrote cp. 1 Thess 2:13 1 Cor 14:37 JUDGES
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions Î The apostles’ authority portrayed in the Scripture Mt 16:19 They were given the “keys of the kingdom” They “opened the door of faith” for the Gentiles, using this “key” cp. Acts 14:27 KEY HOLDERS
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions Î The apostles’ authority portrayed in the Scripture Mt 18:18 & Jn 20:23 They either “remitted” or “retained” man’s sins by declaring with God had already decided REMITTERS or RETAINERS
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions The distinction of the apostles’ teaching Acts 2:42 The early preaching of the N.T. church was labeled “the apostles’ doctrine” It was “their doctrine” only in that they taught what the Lord taught, commissioned them to teach Mt 28:20
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles Questions The authoritativeness of the apostles’ teaching Gal 1:6-9 What one apostle taught was so authoritative, binding that even another apostle or an angel sent from heaven could not teach something different without being put under a Divine curse
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 7 Ù Biblical Authority (Part B) Defining Biblical Authority Authority is expressed in different ways In a “general” sense Ù “Involving the whole” In a “specified” sense Ù “Restricted, particular” Until one recognizes this difference, N.T. authority for any action(s) cannot and will not be established cp. Mt 7:21-23
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 7 Ù Biblical Authority (Part B) Defining Biblical Authority The “law” which governs general & specific authority is the “Law Of Exclusion” Admittedly, a human term not found in the Bible Yet, a Biblical concept necessary to know, apply Basic premise Ù the command to do 1 thing automatically excludes doing anything else
Thematic Studies In Bible Basics