Pilgrim to Apostle WYD SYD Pilgrim to Apostle
“Pilgrim” – part of the ‘lingo
Pilgrimage is in itself a journey to God
Some of the most unexpected things become the most powerfully transformative moments
Preparation is more than planning – it is the why
“The way of the pilgrim is in a sense, the same through the ages. Drawn by the Spirit to seek a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, the pilgrim first leaves home and all that entails: a drastic act!”
How do church and pilgrimage fit together?
Church as pilgrim people is always on a purposeful journey
All sorts of challenges
Experiences of God in the present
Christ as Pilgrim
Experience God’s grace in the Eucharist
We are a part of the Body of Christ
Witnessing to the God News of Jesus Christ
We are sent out
“It’s not over until we’re all home.”
Our faith journey requires us to be ever pilgrims.
Living water transforms
Experience of God can so change us..
“It was unexpected. It only took a moment.”
The power and the enduring impact of the journey
It may be over, but the biggest part of the journey is just beginning
What lies ahead… Exciting possibilities
Seeking God in everyone, in everything.. All the time!
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind… You shall love your neighbour as yourself.
It’s not, “What do we do now?” It’s, “Who do I become now?
What do we use, when do we use it, who do we use it with, where will we do it?
Constantly reminding of the WHY’S
Witnessing to the enduring love of God in Jesus Christ… In all ways, every day.