This course will help you understand the latest technologies & how they work. You will lean how to develop computer programs to solve problems.
The average salary for jobs in Computing is £37,500 That is a VERY GOOD salary!
This course is made up of 3 parts
Exam 1hr 30min Part 1: A451 Computer Systems & Programming – 40%
Controlled Assessment 20 hours each Part 2: A452 Practical Investigation – 30% Part 3: Programming Project – 30%
Representation of data in computer systems Units Number Character Images Sounds Instructions Unit A451: Computer Systems & Programming Databases The database concept The DBMS Relational databases Fundamentals of computer systems Computer systems Computing hardware The Central Processing Unit (CPU) Binary logic Memory Input and output devices Secondary storage Software Programming Algorithms Programming languages Control flow in imperative languages Handling data in algorithms Testing Computer communications and networking Networks The internet
A452 : Investigation Practical investigation Practical activity Effectiveness and efficiency Technical understanding Testing, evaluation and conclusions
Unit A453: Programming Programming project Programming techniques Design Development Testing & Evaluation
Your writing is also marked! Make sure your writing can be read and your spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate You can get A* - G in Computing
Create your new folders for this lesson!
Computer communications and networking Computing hardware Databases Fundamentals of computer systems Programming Representation of data in computer systems Software
Year 10 – What will we cover? A451 – Whole Year Fundamentals of Computing Hardware Software Data Representation Programming Techniques (Python) A452 – Controlled Assessment January 2016
Year 11 – What will we cover? A451 – Whole Year Databases Networks and the Internet Programming Theory Revision for Exam A453 – Controlled Assessment September 2016