Flexible scheduling Full-time/part-time programs Small student: faculty ratio Advisor availability Mentor programs Tutoring programs Scholarship/grant assistance On-site daycare for day/night classes
Course Offerings Introduction to Special Education Differentiated Instruction for Students with Specific learning Disabilities Educational Interpreting for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
TD&T advantages include: Hands-on learning starting your first semester Hands-on learning The most comprehensive special education program in Mississippi The opportunity to explore different areas of special education before deciding on a specialization Accredited and highly regarded programs Accredited Plentiful job opportunities
A survey of the characteristics and educational needs of students that are gifted and with disabilities. The purpose for EDU 305 is to examine the legal foundations of educating students with disabilities and basic differentiated instructional strategies utilized to teach students with special needs. This course is designed for undergraduate students enrolled in special education, general education, nursing, psychology, and related fields.
In this course students will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the definitions, characteristics, and learning and behavior support needs of children and youth with disabilities, including, but not limited to, learning disabilities, emotional disturbance, mental retardation, developmental delay, autism, traumatic brain injury, attention deficit disorders, other health impaired, and multiple disabilities.
Special Education is centered on the education of behaviorally difficult, mentally disabled, physically disabled and learning impaired students. A specialized kind of teacher, this person must have great patience with children with all kinds of conditions, and is their responsibility to ensure that the education these children receive is a thorough and complete one. TD& T University provides our teacher candidates with the tools to be effective in others lives. Careers in Special Education Early Interventionist Educational Therapist Rehabilitation Counseling Rehabilitation Services Resource Specialist Teacher Special Education Teacher Teacher of the Gifted and Talented
TD&T offers the only Educational Interpreting Program in Mississippi. Our students have the opportunity to take part in a one-year residential field experience at the Mississippi School for the Deaf or the de lEpee Deaf Center Inc., that will allow them to gain experiences that will allow them to become effective interpreters.
YOU HAVE ALL KINDS OF LEARNERS. THE SIGN LANGUAGE IS TO GET TO VISUAL LEARNERS, THE SONGS GET TO AUDITORY LEARNERS, AND HANDS- ON ACTIVITIES, WHERE THEY'RE TOUCHING THINGS, ARE FOR THE TACTILE LEARNER.- DENIS MECHAN K-12 VS. COLLEGE This program allows students to gain experience in both settings in order to determine which setting allows them to be most effective. Students will gain practicum hours in both settings before determining their residential setting.
This hands on program teaches aspiring interpreters the importance of sign language communication with Deaf and Hard- of-Hearing students, the different types of hearing loss, how to become resourceful in their careers, the importance of ethics and confidentiality in the field of interpreting, performance within their rolls, and it teaches students about Deaf Culture and the positive impact interpreters have in the lives of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students.