“The sky has never been the limit. We are our own limits. It’s then about breaking our personal limits and outgrowing ourselves to live our best lives”- Unknown
I’m 17 I’m the third John August Taylor My education is very important I love cars I like to travel
3.95 GPA Top Ten Deca National Honors Society Big Brothers Big Sisters Leadership Cadet Teaching 24 ACT score 5 Advanced Placement classes Prom Court
-Madison -Mom -Myself -Kerigan -Dad -Chaz
Responsible Motivated Organized
It taught me many vital things -How to balance time -Responsibility -How to work hard
Special Education Taught me that in my career I want to be around people I also want to help them Being around people in need showed me how I want to make a difference
Michigan State University Central Michigan University Something just felt right about Michigan State
Health sciences Surgeon
Graduate in the top ten Attend Michigan State University Get a well paying job
Parents Student loans Scholarships
Graduate From Michigan State University Go off to med school Get a job as a surgeon in a well established hospital
Graduate from High school Go to MSU Graduate from MSU and take MCAT Decide on a Med School Finish my education Get a great career
John Taylor 17 Responsible Motivated Organized Michigan State University Medical School Surgeon