LHC Sector Test1 LHC Sector Test - Beam IntroductionMike LamontIntroductionMike Lamont Proposed tests with beamBrennan GoddardProposed tests with beamBrennan Goddard Magnet Quenches with BeamAlex KoschikMagnet Quenches with BeamAlex Koschik Beam InstrumentationLars JensenBeam InstrumentationLars Jensen MagnetsLuca BotturaMagnetsLuca Bottura Controls RequirementsRobin LaucknerControls RequirementsRobin Lauckner Scientific Secretary Verena Kain
LHC Sector Test2 Sector test 2006 Last 200 metres of TI8 and 3.3 km of the LHC including one experiment insertion and a full arc 27th November – 10th December 2006 Mainly pilot beam - single bunch 5 x 10 9 protons. Low losses.Mainly pilot beam - single bunch 5 x 10 9 protons. Low losses. Total intensity: 4 x protons in 2 weeksTotal intensity: 4 x protons in 2 weeks MotivationMotivation Integration test Commissioning of beam based systems Beam based checks Milestone
LHC Sector Test3 Schedule 1 week preparation1 week preparation Access Vacuum, BCT, dump - point 7 Cold checkout, acceptance 2 weeks test2 weeks test 1 week recovery1 week recovery Cool down Radiation survey
LHC Sector Test4
LHC Sector Test5 Impact No transport through 7-8 during:No transport through 7-8 during: preparation 7 days beam 14 days recovery 7 days No access to part of 6-7 during testNo access to part of 6-7 during test 17 days No access to part of 8-1 during testNo access to part of 8-1 during test 17 days
LHC Sector Test6 Knock-on Installation planningInstallation planning Installation and commissioning continues during test with the above constraints Clearly delimited demands on what is to be installed and operationalClearly delimited demands on what is to be installed and operational NB: the test is essentially baseline – very little additional installation or not as final Hardware CommissioningHardware Commissioning Radiation Protection/LHCbRadiation Protection/LHCb Discussed further in the next session
LHC Sector Test7 Motivation - integration Full-blown system wide integration test
LHC Sector Test8 Motivation - Integration Full test of a majority of subsystemsFull test of a majority of subsystems Over one eighth of the ringOver one eighth of the ring Allows staged approach to the full problem spaceAllows staged approach to the full problem space Time to fully resolve problems before the real thingTime to fully resolve problems before the real thing Analysis, improvements, resolution, adjustment Eventual commissioning of the full machine would be more difficult without the experience gained The lessons learnt will reduce the time need for full commissioning… (& more profoundly)
LHC Sector Test9 Commission with beam KickersKickers Timing, acquisition, control, interlocks SeptaSepta Aperture, instrumentation Collimators & TDICollimators & TDI InstrumentationInstrumentation BPM timing, resolution, offset, cabling BLM thresholds, quench limits, BTV, BCT Radiation MonitoringRadiation Monitoring ControlsControls BST Low level RFLow level RF 40 Mhz, Kicker pre-pulses Correction & Measurement TechniquesCorrection & Measurement Techniques Injection, Threading, Trajectory correction etc. etc. Real LHC tools with time for improvements
LHC Sector Test10 Milestone Radiation Protection, RAMSES, INBRadiation Protection, RAMSES, INB Access systemAccess system Beam InstrumentationBeam Instrumentation Radiation MonitoringRadiation Monitoring Control system: Logging, PM, Software…Control system: Logging, PM, Software… Controls infrastructure: FIP, VME, Ethernet, BST, GMTControls infrastructure: FIP, VME, Ethernet, BST, GMT Beam absorbers and collimatorsBeam absorbers and collimators Kickers, SeptaKickers, Septa Magnet modelMagnet model Power convertersPower converters Low level RFLow level RF Beam InterlocksBeam Interlocks Software InterlocksSoftware Interlocks Intermediate milestones Measurable progress
LHC Sector Test11 Beam - General objectives Commission TI 8 end, injection and thread to IR7Commission TI 8 end, injection and thread to IR7 Commission trajectory acquisition and correctionCommission trajectory acquisition and correction Polarity checks Commission Beam Loss Monitor systemCommission Beam Loss Monitor system Optics measurementsOptics measurements Aperture checksAperture checks Effect of magnetic cycleEffect of magnetic cycle Field quality checksField quality checks Quench limits and BLM responseQuench limits and BLM response Setting up of injection machine protectionSetting up of injection machine protection
LHC Sector Test12 Tests with beam
LHC Sector Test13 Quenches with beam motivation: - safe and efficient operation - avoid quenches and damage Controlled, well defined test to establish Absolute quench limits BLM threshold values Model and understanding of correlation of loss pattern, quench level, BLM signals Test important for efficient commissioning of BLM system with circulating beam Beam based machine protection hangs on the BLM system
LHC Sector Test14 Beam Instrumentation Distributed systems:Distributed systems: BPM Detectors, tunnel electronics, acquisition electronics, calibration… BLM Production, installation, electronics, acquisition, tests … Discrete systems:Discrete systems: BTV (temporary) Fast BCT Beam Synchronous TimingBeam Synchronous Timing ControlsControls Ethernet, Timing, WIFI, VME infrastructure, WorldFIP… BLMs to BIC Post Mortem Slow and fast timing distribution Huge critical systems that have to work from day one
LHC Sector Test15 BI - Conclusions Sector test important milestone for BI:Sector test important milestone for BI: Last chance to test with beam BPM and BLM Ring systems before 2007 start-up
LHC Sector Test16 Magnets The work to be performed in 2006 is clear, and it is in line with the needs for the LHC commissioning and operation The resources estimated are modest, but not negligible: data reduction, model testing, data-fits, storage and tests, database work and S/W tools Cycling procedures defined FiDeL Field Description for the LHC as a general frame for setting generation Appreciable scope (some 20 magnet families), comparable to the ring itself: Good test for magnet model
LHC Sector Test17 Controls Controls InfrastructureControls Infrastructure Injection Kickers, BLM, BPM, BTC, BTV, Interlocks VME, FESA, Ethernet, WorldFIP, Cabling, Configuration Fast & Slow TimingFast & Slow Timing Considerable development and testing. Sector test important milestone Interlocks & Safe Beam ParametersInterlocks & Safe Beam Parameters SoftwareSoftware Logging, Post Mortem, Alarms, Data exchange Fixed Displays, Machine Mode Settings, Trim, Sequencer, Orbit, Kicker, Instrumentation Analog Acquisition TEST, ITERATE,TEST, TEST.
LHC Sector Test18 Controls - Conclusions Sector Test is another progressive milestone for CO and must be used for testing key functionalitySector Test is another progressive milestone for CO and must be used for testing key functionality Staged deployment and testing absolutely criticalStaged deployment and testing absolutely critical Compare and contrast LEIR and TT40/TI18
LHC Sector Test 19 TT40: What we got out of it… Essential milestone for hardware and controls systems; Discovered and solved minor problems (in manageable pieces); Showed that there were no major problems; Validated hardware, controls and software choices; Provided feedback from prototype systems (especially controls) which must now be incorporated; Highlighted areas requiring further work; Provided hard input for TI8 and LHC injection tests (component activation, beam stability, instrumentation performance, efficiency, …, …);
LHC Sector Test20 TI8 did this Because this was done TT40 Extraction Tests 2003/2004
LHC Sector Test21 Phase Ring 1/2 Injection2 1 First turn 2 2 Circulating beam GeV: initial commissioning GeV: detailed measurements GeV: 2 beams 1 6 Nominal cycle 1 7 Snapback – single beam 2 8 Ramp – single beam 2 9 Single beam to physics energy 2 10 Two beams to physics energy 1 11Physics1 12 Commission squeeze 2 13 Physics partially squeezed 1 Challenging beam commissioning
LHC Sector Test22 Sector Test - Conclusion Very important milestone for critical subsystemsVery important milestone for critical subsystems Very Important integration staging pointVery Important integration staging point Large number of problems will be addressed Time to react Critical to effective full commissioning In the (partial) shadow of installation Important first checks can be performed with beam Win-winWin-win If things are cool - resolving (inevitable) minor problems -> speed up full beam commissioning If we hit any major problems, at least some time to react
LHC Sector Test23 Acknowledgements Sector Test team Roger Bailey, Helmut Burkhardt, Paul Collier, Brennan Goddard, Stephen Jackson, Lars Jensen, Rhodri Jones, Verena Kain, Alex Koschik, Mike Lamont, Roberto Saban, Jan Uythoven, Jorg Wenninger. Speakers Brennan Goddard, Alex Koschik, Lars Jensen, Luca Bottura, Robin Lauckner Scientific Secretary Verena Kain Chamonix – Chief Editor John Poole