Wireless Networks Fall 2009 Saewoong Bahk
–Room: Office hours: Tue,Thu 4-5PM TA: 남창원 윤성국 Course materials: Materials taken from –Prof. Nitin Vaidya (UIUC), David Culler (UC Berkeley), Sunghyun Choi (Seoul Nat’l Univ)
Evaluation Attendance: 10% 2 exams: 50% 1 project including presentation: 40% –Each student has a choice of either writing a survey paper or proposal. –Project proposal deadline: Sep. 15. Textbook (recommended) –Broadband Wireless Access & Local Networks: Mobile Wimax and WifiBroadband Wireless Access & Local Networks: Mobile Wimax and Wifi B. Lee and S. Choi, Artech House, 2008,
Part A: Sensor and Adhoc Networks Characteristics of wireless communications MAC protocols Routing protocols TCP performance Power saving algorithms Recent Sensor Network Researches
Part B: 4G Network Architecture Review of 2G and 3G architecture LTE, Mobile Wimax QoS and mobility support IMS (IP Multimedia Systems) towards 4G Cross layer design issues
Evolution of WLAN including IEEE n Link metric in mesh networks Channel assignment and routing in mesh networks Part C: Wireless LAN and Mesh Networks
Schedule A: 5 weeks B: 4 weeks C: 3 weeks Presentation: 3 weeks