-Unclassified- The Strategic Division/Military-Strategic Information Section The Strategic Division/Military-Strategic Information Section June 16 th –


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Presentation transcript:

-Unclassified- The Strategic Division/Military-Strategic Information Section The Strategic Division/Military-Strategic Information Section June 16 th – June 30 th

-Unclassified- The West Bank Palestinian riots continued during the time of this report on a daily basis; over 65 major cases were reported, including instances in which rioters threw rocks and attempted to assault Israeli security forces. This marks a 30% increase to the previous period (June 15-30). Arms were confiscated by IDF forces on at least three occasion, including a 50kg artillery shell, an FN rifle, three handguns and a full magazine. Terrorist attacks continue in the West Bank. During the period of 16 June – 30 June, there were numerous attempted terror attacks including attempts by Palestinians to run over, stab, and steal weapons from IDF soldiers, throwing of rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli civilian vehicles, as well as an attempted attack where a Palestinian threw a knife at an IDF mobilized patrol. Palestinian security force operations in the West Bank continue, but their scope and quality must be increased. When necessary, the IDF takes actions to prevent terrorist attacks from being carried out. Defining Trends

-Unclassified- The Gaza Strip Government policy on allowing goods into the Gaza Strip continues; crossings are now able to absorb over 300 trucks per day. During the month of May, 1,111 trucks transported 27,933 tons of supplies into the Gaza Strip. Hamas continues to act aggressively against Israel. In addition to Hamas’ own terrorist activities, the organization allows various terrorist groups to use the territory under it control to launch rockets and carry out other attacks. In the period of this report, a sense of calm has returned to the Gaza region after intensive rocket and mortar fire in the months of March and April. Nonetheless, five rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip towards civilian areas in Israel. Meanwhile, Hamas has sustained its efforts to acquire more weaponry through smuggling into the Gaza Strip. Defining Trends

-Unclassified- Civilian Support – Gaza Strip 16 – 30 June 2011 Trucks: 1,111 Supplies (tons): 27,933 Medical Evacuations: 361 Fuel (liters): None. Heavy-duty diesel Is now delivered directly from Egypt Cooking Gas (tons): 796 Exports: none (out of season)

-Unclassified- Rockets and Mortars from the Gaza Strip – Monthly June 16 th –June 30 th, 2011 : 4 Rockets Date (June) Rockets

-Unclassified- Annual Rockets and Mortars from the Gaza Strip January 2011 – June 2011: 185 Rockets, 206 Mortars Rockets Mortars

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 16 th June 16 th - A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force north of the Halamish community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle southwest of the Nokdim community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli police vehicle in the vicinity of the Hebron community, causing damage to the vehicle. A Palestinian vehicle attempted to run over an IDF soldier at an IDF checkpoint southeast of the Yitzhar community. The vehicle managed to drive away. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force south of the Nili community. Approximately 20 Palestinians and 15 Israeli settlers rioted and thrwe stones in the vicinity of the Yitzhar community. The IDF fired several warning shots in the air. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at Israeli vehicles near the Shaarei Tikva community. One Palestinian was injured.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 17 th June 17 th - During a supervised visit of Israeli settler to the Joshua’s Tomb site, east of the Revava community, a number of settlers rioted and threw stones at a DCL vehicle, damaging the vehicle, and shattered the windows of several Palestinian vehicles and houses. An IDF force arrested two Palestinian suspects east of the Otniel community. The force discovered an FN rifle and three compatible bullets. The arms were confiscated by the force. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle south of the Karmei Tzur community. An Israeli civilian fired shots in the air in an attempt to disperse the riot an clear an exit path. AN Israeli civilian vehicle was damaged and one Israeli civilian was injured. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force north of the Karmei Tzur community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones towards the technical fence west of the Sha’ar Binyamin community.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 17 th - June 18 th June 17 th cont’d- A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force west of the Bracha community. One Palestinian was arrested and taken for investigation. An IDF soldier caught three suspects attempting to steal his personal weapon while guarding in the vicinity of kibbutz Revivim. An Israeli Police force arrested one suspect who was taken for investigation. June 18 th - A BGP force heard gunshots and identified an observer in the vicinity of the city of Ramallah. The force initiated suspect engagement procedures. Following the incident, approximately 15 Palestinians rioted and threw stones towards the technical fence at the same location. Approximately 20 Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force northwest of the Bracha community. One Palestinian was lightly injured A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle southwest of the Har Gilo community, causing damage to the vehicle.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 19 th June 19 th - An IDF force identified a suspicious Palestinian in the vicinity of the Peduel community. The force initiated the suspect engagement procedure to deter the suspect, who was later arrested. The suspect was taken for investigation and later released. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli vehicle southwest of the Nokdim community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force during a mobilized patrol in the vicinity of the city of Tul Karem. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli vehicle in the vicinity of the city of Maccabim, inflicting damage to the vehicle. A Palestinian attempted to stab an IDF soldier east of the city of Qalqiliyah. After initiating the suspect engagement procedure and firing in the air, the force fired shots towards the assailant’s lower body mass in order to immobilize him. The Palestinian was severely injured. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force south of the Nili community.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 19 th - June 21 st June 19 th cont’d- A number of settlers rioted and threw dirt at an Israeli civilian vehicle near the city of Hebron, smashing the vehicles windshield. June 20 th - An IDF force discovered two handguns and three bullets during a weapons search in the vicinity of the Beth Zur community. The arms were confiscared by the Israeli Police force. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle north of kibbutz Niran, causing damage to the vehicle. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle north of the Ma’ale Shomron community, causing it damage. An IDF force arrested ones suspect who was taken for questioning. June 21 st - During an arrest in the city of Hebron, BGP forces detained a Palestinian suspect in possession of a magazine clip containing several bullets. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at IDF forces east of the Eli community.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 21 st - June 22 nd June 21 st cont’d- A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at a BGP mobilized patrol in the vicinty of the city of Qalqiliyah, causing damage to the vehicle. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle in the vicinity of the Ateret community. The vehicle sustained damage. Approximately 100 Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force north of the Maccabim community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF mobilized patrol northeast of the Shavei Shomron community. The force arrested one suspect who was taken for investigation. June 22 nd – During an arrest in the city of Hebron, BGP forces detained a Palestinian suspect in possession of a magazine clip containing several bullets. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at IDF forces east of the Eli community.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 22 nd - June 23 rd June 22 nd cont’d– Approximately 100 Palestininas rioted and threw stones south of the Nili community. IDF forces arrived at the spot and attempted to disperse the riot without success. The force initiated the suspect engagement procedure and fired several warning shots in the air. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle south of the Beit Hagai community. 51 Palestinian olive trees were cut down southwest of the Shela community. After verification by an IDF representative, a formal complaint was lodged with the Israeli police. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones east of the Eli community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle south of the Givat Hadagan community. June 23 rd - A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones and a Molotov cocktail at an Israeli civilian vehicle in the vicinity of the Haramle community. When IDF forces arrived at the scene, the rioters threw stones at them as well.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 24 th – June 25 th June 24 th cont’d- A Palestinian tractor attempted to destroy the fence in the vicinity of the village of Bi’ilin. IDF forces initiated the suspect engagement procedure and fired several warning shot in the air. When this failed to deter the driver, the forces fired at the tractor’s wheels. A number of Palestininas rioted and threw stones in the vicinity of the Kalandia R.C. Approximately 50 Palestinians rioted and threw stones south of the Nili community. IDF forces dispersed the rioters and arrested one suspect. June 25 th - A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force south of the Beit Hagai community. Approximately 50 Palestinians rioted and threw stones in the vicinity of the Karmei Tzur community. IDF forces dispersed the riot and arrested one suspect. Approximately 70 Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force northwest of the Bracha community.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 25 th – June 26 th June 25 th cont’d- A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones in the vicinity of the Kiryat Netafim community. June 26 th - A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force while it was conducting a suspect arrest northwest of the Metzad community. The force dispersed the riot and the suspect was taken for investigation. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an israeli civilian vehicle south of the Migdal Oz community. The vehicle sustained damage. Five Palestinians were identified crossing the technical fence into Israeli territory, adjacent to the Sansana community. An IDF force arrested one suspect who was taken for investigation. Palestinian Police forces discovered a 50 kg artillery shell south of the Magen Shaul community. The shell was confiscated by IDF sappers.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 26 th – June 27 th June 26 th cont’d- A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian who unintentionally entered a Palestinian village with his vehicle near the city of Jerusalem. The lightly injured civilian was subsequently rescued by BGP forces and the villages Muhtar. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones in the vicinity of the city of Hebron. One Israeli settler was lightly injured. June 27 th - A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle north of the Karmei Tsur community. The vehicle sustained damage. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force east of the Vered Yeriho community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IF force during a mobilized patrol in the vicinity of the Ariel community. One Palestinian suspect threw a knife at an IDF mobilized patrol in the vicinity of the Mevo Dotan community. The suspect was taken for questioning.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 27 th – June 28 th June 27 th cont’d- Several Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle in the vicinity of the Har Gilo community. A Palestinian demonstrated during an IDF force’s initiated activity in the vicinity of the village of Iliyas. June 28 th – Approximately 30 Palestinians rioted, vandalized an Israeli settler’s land and attacked IDF soldiers in the vicinity of the Eshkolot community. Nine Palestinian suspects were arrested. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle northwest of the Gevaot community, causing damage to the vehicle. A Palestinian attempted to break through an IDF checkpoint northeast of the Ariel community. The IDF force fired at the suspect vehicle’s wheels and the Palestinian was taken for questioning. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle south of the Beit Hagai community.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 28 th – June 29 th June 28 th cont’d- A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force south of the Kochav Ya’akov community. IDF forces and Israeli police demolished an illegal Palestinian structure intended for waste collection northwest of the Ofarim community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle northwest of the Givat Ha’dagan community. The vehicle sustained damage. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle in the vicinity of the Gilo community, causing damage to the vehicle. June 29 th – A number of Israeli settlers planted trees in a Palestinian village east of the Beitar Illit community. The trees were later uprooted by a number of Palestinians. IDF forces and Israeli police demolished five illegal Palestinian structures in the vicinity of the Megaron community. Following the incident, a number of Israeli settlers burned six trees at the location.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 29 th – June 30 th June 29 th cont’d- A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle south of the Beit Hagai community, causing damage to the vehicle. Approximately 40 Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force south of the Nili community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at a BGP force south of the Kokhav Ya’acov community. The force arrested one suspect who was taken for investigation. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at Israeli civilian vehicles in the vicinity of the city of Bethlehem, causing damage to three vehicles. June 30 th - A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle north of the Hashmonaim community. The vehicle sustained damage. A physical altercation and rock throwing occurred between Israeli settlers and a number of Palestinians south of the Yitzhar community. The settlers also stoked a fire in the village of Hawarta.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 30 th June 30 th cont’d- A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an IDF force north of the Alon More community. A number of Palestinians rioted and threw stones at an Israeli civilian vehicle in the vicinity of the Bracha community. The Israeli vehicle sustained damage.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 16 th June 20 th June 16 th - A rocket was launched from the Dahaniya airport June 18 th – Two suspicious boats were identified crossing respectively approximately 2,400 yards and 3,100 yards into Israeli territorial waters. A navy patrol vessel initiated suspect engagement procedures for suspicious vessels, which then turned back. An Israeli boat accidentally crossed approximately 650 yards into Egyptian territorial waters. A navy patrol vessel was sent to retrieve the boat and accompany it back to Israeli territorial waters. June 20 th - Two suspicious boats were identified crossing approximately 400 yards into Israeli territorial waters. A navy patrol vessel initiated the suspect engagement procedures for suspicious vessels. A suspicious boat with two Palestinians onboard was identified crossing approximately one km into Israeli territorial waters. A navy patrol vessel initiated the suspect engagement procedures for suspicious vessels and the boat with its occupants was later towed to Ashdod port for questioning.

-Unclassified- Major Events – Gaza Strip June 21 st – June 30 th June 21 st – IDF forces identified a Qassam rocket landing in the vicinity of the Kerem Shalom crossing. A Qassam rocket was detected landing southwest of Karni crossing. June 22 nd – The IAF initiated a pinpoint attack targeting a tunnel belonging to Hamas and intended for terrorist purposes in the vicinity of the Kissufim crossing. June 23 rd - An IDF force identifed an IED during an initiated activity northwest of the Erez crossing. The IED was detonated by IDF sappers. June 25 th – A suspicious boat was identified crossing approximately 400 yards into Israeli territorial waters. A navy patrol vessel initiated the suspect engagement procedure and fired warning shots in the air, after which the suspicious boat turned back.