How the Eye Works By Ned Callander
Our eyes are like cameras, they take “pictures” of the world and send them to your brain. This is a diagram of how your eye works: HOW THE EYE SEES THINGS
Cornea Sclera Iris Pupil Retina Blind Spot Optic Nerve PARTS OF AN EYE (INSIDE) Blind Spot Sclera
PARTS OF AN EYE (OUTSIDE) Eyelids Eyelashes Tear Glands
Eye Fluids Aqueous Humor Vitreous Humor
Ciliary Muscles
Reflects = Bounces off Glands = Cleanses the eye Nourishes = Feeds and Fuels Muscles = Help you focus on things Glossary
Websites: I used this website for more information but also to check my facts Resources
Thankyou for watching and listening to my PowerPoint. I hope you learnt something about the Eyes! Thankyou