HW for Thursday Assignment #2 Participation Paragraph, last 3 weeks Marlowe’s Faustus 1&2.


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Presentation transcript:

HW for Thursday Assignment #2 Participation Paragraph, last 3 weeks Marlowe’s Faustus 1&2

From Key of Knowledge grimoire published in English in 16 th century based on K ey of Solomon “unles you doe as we commaunde you, we curse you by the vertue of that same name Premeunaton, euen into the bottome of hell, and we will send you to y t farthyst parte therof, yf you wyll rebell against us; and w th stand these our holy words.” “And by hym we wyll compell you, against your wyll, for all thinges be true, w ch haue proceaded out of this worke: And there shall proceade fier, w ch shall burne you continuallye; And they be the wordes, by the w ch all the worlde doth tremble, Stones ar rowled backe, the water doth not flowe, no r the fier burne.” “unles you doe as we commaunde you, we curse you by the vertue of that same name Premeunaton, euen into the bottome of hell, and we will send you to y t farthyst parte therof, yf you wyll rebell against us; and w th stand these our holy words.” “And by hym we wyll compell you, against your wyll, for all thinges be true, w ch haue proceaded out of this worke: And there shall proceade fier, w ch shall burne you continuallye; And they be the wordes, by the w ch all the worlde doth tremble, Stones ar rowled backe, the water doth not flowe, no r the fier burne.”

Medea, Ovid’s Metamorphoses ‘Night, most faithful keeper of our secret rites; Stars, that, with the golden moon, succeed the fires of light; Triple Hecate, you who know all our undertakings, and come, to aid the witches’ art, and all our incantations: You, Earth, who yield the sorceress herbs of magic force: You, airs and breezes, pools and hills, and every watercourse; Be here; all you Gods of Night, and Gods of Groves endorse. Streams, at will, by banks amazed, turn backwards to their source. I calm rough seas, and stir the calm by my magic spells: bring clouds, disperse the clouds, raise storms and storms dispel; and, with my incantations, I break the serpent’s teeth; and root up nature’s oaks, and rocks, from their native heath; and move the forests, and command the mountain tops to shake, earth to groan, and from their tombs the sleeping dead to wake. You also, Luna, I draw down, eclipsed, from heaven’s stain, though bronzes of Temese clash, to take away your pains; and at my chant, the chariot of the Sun-god, my grandsire, grows pale: Aurora, at my poisons, dims her morning fire.’ ‘Night, most faithful keeper of our secret rites; Stars, that, with the golden moon, succeed the fires of light; Triple Hecate, you who know all our undertakings, and come, to aid the witches’ art, and all our incantations: You, Earth, who yield the sorceress herbs of magic force: You, airs and breezes, pools and hills, and every watercourse; Be here; all you Gods of Night, and Gods of Groves endorse. Streams, at will, by banks amazed, turn backwards to their source. I calm rough seas, and stir the calm by my magic spells: bring clouds, disperse the clouds, raise storms and storms dispel; and, with my incantations, I break the serpent’s teeth; and root up nature’s oaks, and rocks, from their native heath; and move the forests, and command the mountain tops to shake, earth to groan, and from their tombs the sleeping dead to wake. You also, Luna, I draw down, eclipsed, from heaven’s stain, though bronzes of Temese clash, to take away your pains; and at my chant, the chariot of the Sun-god, my grandsire, grows pale: Aurora, at my poisons, dims her morning fire.’

Quick Write Pico della Mirandola Select a work of magic that Prospero performs. Is this an example of mageia or goeteia ? Explain.

Tri. A howling Monster : a drunken Monster. Cal. No more dams I'le make for fish, Nor fetch in firing, at requiring, Nor scrape trenchering, nor wash dish, Ban' ban' Cacalyban Has a new Master, get a new Man. Freedome, high-day, high-day freedome, freedome high- day, freedome. Ste. O braue Monster; lead the way. ( s) Tri. A howling Monster : a drunken Monster. Cal. No more dams I'le make for fish, Nor fetch in firing, at requiring, Nor scrape trenchering, nor wash dish, Ban' ban' Cacalyban Has a new Master, get a new Man. Freedome, high-day, high-day freedome, freedome high- day, freedome. Ste. O braue Monster; lead the way. ( s)

Cal. Be not affeard, the Isle is full of noyses, ¶¶Sounds, and sweet aires, that giue delight and hurt not: ¶¶Sometimes a thousand twangling Instruments Will hum about mine eares; and sometime voices, ¶¶That if I then had wak'd after long sleepe, ¶¶Will make me sleepe againe, and then in dreaming, ¶¶The clouds methought would open, and shew riches ¶¶Ready to drop vpon me, that when I wak'd I cri'de to dreame againe. ( s) Cal. Be not affeard, the Isle is full of noyses, ¶¶Sounds, and sweet aires, that giue delight and hurt not: ¶¶Sometimes a thousand twangling Instruments Will hum about mine eares; and sometime voices, ¶¶That if I then had wak'd after long sleepe, ¶¶Will make me sleepe againe, and then in dreaming, ¶¶The clouds methought would open, and shew riches ¶¶Ready to drop vpon me, that when I wak'd I cri'de to dreame againe. ( s)

Cal: I prithee, let me bring thee where crabs grow; And I with my long nails will dig thee pignuts; Show thee a jay's nest and instruct thee how To snare the nimble marmoset; I'll bring thee To clustering filberts and sometimes I'll get thee Young scamels from the rock. Wilt thou go with me? ( s) Cal: I prithee, let me bring thee where crabs grow; And I with my long nails will dig thee pignuts; Show thee a jay's nest and instruct thee how To snare the nimble marmoset; I'll bring thee To clustering filberts and sometimes I'll get thee Young scamels from the rock. Wilt thou go with me? ( s)