PAMUKKALE UNIVERSITY DENIZLI, TURKEY Asst. Prof. Dr. Selçuk TOPRAK Asst. Prof. Dr. Osman Nuri AĞDAĞ Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Cem KOÇ Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin SELÇUK Dr. Mahmut FIRAT
The Aims : Start of the Project Presentation and Introduction of the participating Institutions, companies, SME’S, Research Centres, vocational schools, universities, training centres To have the ideas and ideals about the Project. Represantation of background and need analysis of Solid – Waste Problem in each country Discussion on the recent applied methods in Solid-Waste-Management Sector Discussion of new methods of ICT, Discussion on new applied training models and their way of application in the Project. Representation of new Rules/Directives/New main principles of European Environmental Policy and European Waste Management Policy, Introduction of the complete project & what has to be done during the project. Introduction of work – packages and budgets of the Project. Organisation of the 1 st meeting ( 15 th, November 2006 ) in Turkey. Organisation of the 2 nd meeting ( 2 nd, March 2007 ) in Germany. Organising the tools to be produced WORKPACKAGE1 : START OF PROJECT and BACKGROUND ANALYSIS
Milestones of the project will be developed. Background knowledges about solid – waste – management problems in partner countries will be collected. Conclusion on the main points of the Project, Need Analysis, specification of target groups; final & potential users of the project in the countries, the results of the discussed most recent applied methods in Solid-Waste Problem, will be done explicitly. Reports of the partners regarding the analysis of their countries about training needs and new training methods will be collected. Practical guidelines will be produced for applying the new models in the Project, New methods of ICT & new applied training models and their way of application in the Project Analysis and new products will be discussed and will be reported, Development of the content of solid-waste-management will start according to the Representation of new Rules/Directives/New main principles of European Environmental Policy and European Waste Management Policy, Designation of web-site, CD-ROM and book will be discussed. Arrangement of the meetings & conferences will be organised. The expected outcomes / results of the work package :
WASTE-TRAIN : Vocational Training, Education, Conveying Information on up- to-date Waste Management Practices to Decision Makers/Staff involved in Waste Management. What:The WASTE-TRAIN project is a Pilot Project and aims to develop specific training tools in the field of Modern Solid Waste Management which will be based upon the new main principles of European Environmental Policy and European Waste Management Policy. It is a known fact that, solid waste management is a problem all over the world as decision makers working at strategic levels and executives/staff having to deal with wastes in their every- day life can not get enough information & training about what they have to do. So this program is designed for the target group : The decision makers at the strategic levels, Executives & staff having to deal with solid wastes in their every-day life, who are working in municipalities and public/governmental organisations. We can identify “The decision makers at the strategic levels” as; Local Government Officials, Managers in the Municipalities, Facility Owners and Operators, Consultants, Regulatory Agency Specialists, Engineers and Managers working in the field of Solid Waste-Management in Municipalities and Public/Governmental Organisations. And identify the ”Executives and staff” as; Local Government Executives, Facility Managers, Technicians, Working Personnel and Labourers in Municipalities and Public/Governmental Organisations. They are the people who are taking decisions about what has to be done in Solid-Waste-Management and Construction Sector and they are the real & direct decision makers for a city, province or village for the application of the rules/directives of solid-waste systems.
Deficieny Analysis Turkey
Deficieny Analysis Italy
Deficieny Analysis Poland
Deficieny Analysis Germany
Deficieny Analysis Slovenia
Deficieny Analysis Austria
Deficiency analysis-ALL "Target missing grade" Phase Status quo TRGEISLOPAGRC Regular solid waste collection service 90%100% 100%100%94%100% Absence of scavenging (during collection and/or disposal) 30%100% 100%100%50100% Centralization of disposal (closure of dumpsites) 68%100% 95%95%94-74%100% Engineered landfills 43%100% 45%15%49% Sanitary landfills (complying with EU standards) 20%90% 50%100%43%100% Documentation of waste streams 80%100% 100%95%28%90% Percentage of population to which a formal separate collection stream of... Is provided Hazardous waste 60%90% 1.92%1.3%80% Municipal green waste 25%90% 0.40%0.2%100% Paper55%90% 2.05%1.6%80% Glass35%100% 1.53%0.7%95% Biowaste5%80% 1.15%4.1%60% Electric and electronic appliances 2%70% 0.34% 50% Pretreatment of remaining waste before landfilling 1%100% 34%10%8%90%
TRIPDESESloAGR Rate of population receiving waste services in total population (%) Amount of waste collected (000 tons/year) Amount of waste per capita (kg/capita-day) Total Landfill Capacity (000 tons) Missing Total Composting plant Capacity (000 tons) Missing Total incineration plant Capacity (000 tons) Amount of medical waste disposed of (000 tons/year) disposed of (000 tons/year) Regular collection service (yes/no/partial) yesYesYes Source separated collection service (yes/no/partial) service (yes/no/partial)PartialPartialYes Recycling percent of total solid waste 30 % 31 % 65 %
TRIPDESESloAGR organics5519 recyclable3046 paper cardbo ard 1837 plastics731 metal29 glass318 others1535
Parameters Average Value TRIPDESESloAGR Moisture Content (%) Total Nitrogen (mg/kg dry solid) Calorific Value (kcal/kg) 2100 Total Carbon (% dry solid) Total Volatile Solid (% dry solid) pH6.20