Origins of Race and Slavery
Spanish colonies begin using Encomiendas to work the land –Encomiendar - trust –Land and labor was granted to former Conquistadors Natives must pay tribute and provide labor Spaniard must Christianize and “civilize” the natives Make the Connection: What system does this sound like? A Source of Labor…
The Labor Problem… Europeans were using natives as their workforce in the colonies. –Many were dying. Harsh treatment Diseases The colonies needed more laborers. –Especially on plantations. Where will the Europeans find the needed workers?
Changes in Society… In the European colonies, social class becomes dictated by race. –Places Europeans at the top. An example in Spanish colonies… People born in Spain Whites born in New World White/Indian or White/Black Unfree laborers
Beginnings Slavery had always existed among African tribes. –Prisoners of War were used as servants. In 1400’s, Europeans began purchasing these enslaved people. –Used in Europe as servants. In 1518, a Spanish ship carried the first African slaves to the Americas.
Captured Slaves Local African Tribal rulers captured people and sold them to the European traders…
Slaves Waiting to Be Shipped Slave Fort!
-Elmina Castle, the first known Portuguese Slave-Fort (now in present- day Ghana)
Triangular Trade Pattern of trade that connected Europe, Africa, and the Americas. –Middle Passage Journey of slaves from Africa to the Americas.
A Slave Ship
Cramped Conditions
For Sale
How Many? Calling all math geniuses! Slaves were given a 6 x 3 x 1 foot space. How big do you think this room is? How many slaves would fit in this room?
Some statistics… When was slavery abolished by the Western countries? –France – 1790’s –Britain – 1807 –United States – 1860’s 1500’s 1600’s 1700’s 275,000 1,000,000 6,000,000 Number of enslaved Africans exported during… From early 1500’s to late 1800’s… …10,000,000 enslaved Africans were brought to the Americas.