How to make an Annotated Bibliography
What is it? The first page of your annotated bibliography is a proposal of your topic – an explanation of your ideas. You should offer your cogent argument and concise supporting information. Write this part last!
What is it? ( continued) Then there is a bibliography that lists sources that support your opinion. Each citation includes a short summary of the source. Write this part first!
What does the explanation look like? Your nameLast Name 1 Teacher name Class Date Your title Here you will type, double spaced, your explanation including your thesis. It should be at least a page in length, and it should introduce your topic, persuasive points, and contributing sources. You may use the first person point of view judiciously. At the end of your explanation, you will go to the next page in order to begin your annotated bibliography. You will continue the header, center the first line and type “Annotated Bibliography.” Left justify your typing and begin the bibliography. These pages will be single spaced, with double space between the bibliographical information and the annotation and again before the next entry. Use font size 12 Times New Roman. Pay close attention to every detail in your paper. Spacing, line spacing, information, organization, and how each item is marked is very important. Make sure you are using the latest edition of the MLA Guide! Write this page last!
What do the citation and annotation look like? Student 2 Annotated Bibliography McGeary, Johanna and Marguerite Michaels. “Africa Rising.” Time Canada 30 Mar MAS Ultra – School Edition. EBSCOhost. Web. 20 May This article discusses how many Africans in the country of Mali are taking on a more self-reliant attitude and wanting more of their population to be educated. In order for that to happen, more schools need to be built in their country. Only 46.5% of children in Mali attend primary school. Their literacy rate has increased from 19% to 32%, but 32% is still really low. This article supports my opinion because they need help with building more schools just like the country of Grimshaw. America could help to get more of their population educated. Chrisstaff, Kenning. “Mission to Managua; City’s Poorest Inspire Louisville Volunteers.” The Courier-Journal 20 Feb Newsbank. Web. 21 May This article tells about a mission to Nicaragua by a humanitarian aid group called Hand in Hand, which is based in Louisville, Kentucky. They provide food, shelter, and education to the poor in the US and in other countries. Their funding provides for around 300 children to go to school to the 10th grade. But in Nicaragua less than half the children go to school past the sixth grade. This article supports my opinion in that Nicaragua is similar to the country of Grimshaw and it obviously needs more help with education and building schools than they’re getting. This is the citation This is the annotation Write this page first!
You start the second page first, your actual annotated bibliography. Do all 5 of your citations and annotations. Alphabetize them. Then write the first page last, your explanation. Briefly summarize what you learned from the articles you cited. See the sample explanation for help.
How to summarize your source SKIM your source: You don’t have to read the whole thing! Read the title and get summary clues from it Read the headings if there are any Read the first paragraph under each heading Read the first sentence or two or three of each paragraph Write a brief summary