Dr David Gould DG RTD
The aims of FP6 §Focusing & integrating Community research § Structuring the European Research Area § Strengthening the foundations of the European Research Area
Project selection based upon: § Evaluation by peer review § Competitive calls
Four ways to prepare & submit a proposal §On-line using the Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS) §Off-line preparation followed by on-line submission via EPSS §Off-line preparation followed by submission on CD or diskette § On paper
Basic principles underlying EPSS § High quality data § Elimination of repetition § Low personal cost for applicants § Ease of use & access § Independent of IT infrastructure § Privacy of data via encryption § Equality of opportunity (all languages)
On-line proposal development & submission via EPSS:
The role of the Co-ordinator
§ Develops and submits proposal § Downloads Access Online Information Package § Registers § Changes password
The role of the Co-ordinator § Fill-in/Updates administrative and Financial forms § Uploads Text/Multimedia Files § Checks Eligibility § Downloads Forms in printable format/files uploaded § Submit proposal
The role of the Partners § Contribute to proposal development
The role of the Partners Contribute to online proposal development by: §Downloading accessing online information package §Filling-in/updating administrative & financial forms
The role of the Partners Contribute to online proposal development by: §Checking eligibility §Downloading forms in printable format/files uploaded
Development and submission of on-line proposals
Advantage of EPSS § Quicker preparation § You are sure that it is delivered on time § You can always revise a proposal up to call deadline § Signatures replaced by user id & password
Off-line Proposal Development
Develop Proposal Offline § Browse information package § Fills-in/updates administrative & financial forms § Imports proposers administrative & financial forms
Develop Proposal Offline § Checks eligibility § Prints forms § Finalises proposal
Contribute to Offline Proposal Development § Browsing information package § Filling-in/updating administrative & financial forms
Contribute to Offline Proposal Development §Checking eligibility § Exporting administrative & financial forms § Printing forms
Off-line proposal development §CO expresses interest in a call & downloads off-line preparation tool (also available by post) §Having prepared the proposal he/she can either: ã requests a CO user id & password and up loads proposal ã copy proposal onto a CD/diskette, print it & post both ã print & posts the proposal.
Note: §The Commission has no access to proposals until the closure of the call §Irrespective of the means of submission, all proposals are put into electronic form for evaluation §EPSS or submission on CD/diskette speeds the evaluation
FP6 SYSTEM Layout ( ) External SystemsInternal Systems EPSS DB ESP Proposal/Results DB Experts DB ESP Evaluation Service Provider EMM Sincom 2 Panels/choosing the experts Updating the code tables EPSS Electronic proposal Submission System Panels& Experts Experts (user info update) Users (Co-ordinators & Partners) Evaluation personnel CORDIS WEB-services (Electronic proposals submission, evaluation information, experts online registration, external evaluation, project information, access to CIRCA Solution ) Remote Evaluation Experts DB Mirror Proposal DB Subset EC Personnel& Users Project information for external users Proposals (data)+User information OMM, Organization Management Contracts/ Projects/ Codes/ Organizations EC DB Evaluation Information Financial transactions PMT, Proposal Management Tools (Eval/Rank+Nego) CPM, Contract and Project Management eTransactions Approved proposals External access for deliverables Project/proposal info & evaluation results Early warning System& Project information Data warehouse
Single system for e- transactions within FP6 for: § Contract negotiations § Submission of project deliverables § Communication between partners & Commission § Viewing of project documents (read only)
Access to e-transactions For all their projects, the choice of control at the level of: § Individuals § Organisations