Embedded Sales Meeting Intro the Virtex 6 XMC-6VLX – Putting it to Work
XMC-6VLX – Putting it to Work The FPGA analyzes the ship’s profile and sends alert messages to the CPU for proper response. Data is then displayed to the operator for correct intervention Was: 64 pairs of LVDS Will be: Two GIGAbit Ethernet lines Was: 2x PMC-LX60 Will be: 1x XMC-6VLX
In-Air Refueling Boeing’s KC-135R currently uses Acromag’s PMC-VLX110 FPGA with LVDS configured as CameraLink Next generation will convert to Gigabit Ethernet based camera’s with twice the frame rate and the addition of a UV camera with XMC-6VLX.
Fire Finder Detect Origin of Mortar Round Current Design interfaces sensor on array via a combination of LVDS and RS485. Current design uses a PMC-LX60 and Innovation integration high speed Analog FPGA. Next generation will convert sensors to GIGEthernet based interface to save on wiring cost and lost signal integrity. Proposed plan - replaced FPGAs by one XMC-6VLX
Korean H-S image processor Image Analysis Processor Virtex 6 FPGA X8 VPX Backplane Virtex 6 FPGA X8 Graphics Processor X8 CPU New image processor for high speed image overlay. Multiple Images combined and formed at CPU past the XMC-6VLX for filtering and image correction. Filter image past to GPU for further processing and display Frame Grabber 3x … VPX Backplane
XMC-6VLX – Putting it to Work And This is Just the Start