crigin Living space features Food reproduktion enemies couple of pheasants
back Asia
Meadows, fields, acres, areas close to the forest lakeshaes and riverbanus or clearances back
brown feathering dark-green ear tuft Size: 60 cm Weight: ca. 900 g back Pointed tail Constant brown feathering Size: 80 – 90 cm Weight: 1150 – 1300 g
Pheasants feed on seed stores beetles and other insects of all different kinds. back
Mating season: March / April till June The nest is a scrabbled dingle with maybe ald leaves. The hen lays 8 – 12 olive green eggs. The chicks eclose after 23 – 25 days. After 10 – 12 days they are able to fly, after 8 weeks they are independent, until then they are feeded by the hen. precocial birds back
The natural enemies of the pheasant are animals like the fox. back But the worst enemy are humans.