Cold War Cold War - an atmosphere of suspicion, distrust, rivalry and hostility between the Soviet Union and United States. Not an actual war, but a collection of conflicts / flashpoints that brought the world to the brink of total war.
Cold War Steps leading to the Cold War: 1.Russian Revolution (1917) – communist overthrow 2.Political Isolation of Russia (20s and 30s) - fear of communism 3.Russian Industrial Revolution during the (30s) – thriving while world depressed 4.Yalta Conference (Feb. 1945) – Stalin wanted pro-Soviet gov’ts in Eastern Europe. West opposed to Soviet influence 5.Potsdam Conference (July 1945) – division of Germany and Soviet control of Poland was seen as temporary by West and permanent by USSR 6.Atomic Bomb (1945) – Soviets felt betrayed as US never told them about bomb 7.Soviet Spy Network Publicized (1945) - Gouzenko
Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL spread world-wide Communism GOAL “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of the Communist world. [George Kennan] METHODOLOGIES: 1.Espionage [KGB vs. CIA] 2.Arms Race [nuclear escalation] 3.Ideological Competition for the minds and hearts of Third World peoples [Communist govt. & command economy vs. democratic govt. & capitalist economy] “proxy wars” 4.Bi-Polarization of Europe [NATO vs. Warsaw Pact] Cold War
Iron Curtain – boundary between two sides. It blocked free movement of info, products, and people
Cold War Truman Doctrine (1947) – $400 million in economic aid to Greece and Turkey. Hoped this would stop spread of communism Marshall Plan (1947)– massive aid package that offered food and economic assistance to European countries. Used to strengthen democracies Keenan’s Policy of Containment – policy to stop the spread of communism following WWII
Cold War Berlin Airlift – In 1948, Soviet Union broke agreement with former allies (and their rights to occupy their share of West Berlin) and formed a blockade (lasts 11 months) Allies flew in food and supplies Increased tensions between the powers
Cold War Vs. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1949) Warsaw Pact (1955)
Cold War United States Belgium Britain Canada Denmark France Iceland Italy Luxemburg Netherlands Norway Portugal 1952: Greece & Turkey 1955: West Germany 1983: Spain }U. S. S. R. }Albania }Bulgaria }Czechoslovakia }East Germany }Hungary }Poland }Rumania
Cold War Arms Race – building military superiority Soviet Union detonates atomic bomb in 1949 U.S. develops hydrogen bomb in 1952 Soviet Union develops hydrogen bomb in 1955 Soviet Union develops Tsar Bomba (50 megatons – largest ever created) in 1961
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Cold War