Skillful decision making Options What can I do? 1- Investment in Gold 2- Investment in Property
Option consider CONSEQUENCES What will happen if you take this option? SUPPORT Why do you think each consequence will occur? VALUE How important is the consequences? Why? Medium Risk – High Return Medium Risk, Long term (3-5 yrs) – Resources (Gold) are limited Sin Land is Limited, HDB is limited and demand is high. Gold has been an international measure of wealth practically since the dawn of history, with each culture and era expressing gold weights and value according to their own custom. Security – History of Gold is consistent Expected to further increase. The trend of commodity price increases are relative to gold price increases. CONs- Since gold funds have made big moves over the past five years, it's time for them to drop behind.
CONSEQUENCES What will happen if you take this option? SUPPORT Why do you think each consequence will occur? VALUE How important is the consequences? Why? Worldwide gold production does not match consumption. The price will go up with demand. years of almost continuous price rises. People are buying gold ETF / regular funds which is causing gold prices to go up! Case of tiger chasing its tail. Most gold consumption is done in India and China and their demand is increasing with their increase in national wealth. Huge supply and demand gap India and China will continue to buy gold, as will many other users!
CONSEQUENCES What will happen if you take this option? SUPPORT Why do you think each consequence will occur? VALUE How important is the consequences? Why? U.S. government economic policies over the past decade have systematically projected the U.S. economy down a road with uncontrollable federal spending and an uncontrollably increasing trade deficits. Both will cause the dollar to lose in international value and increase the price of alternative investments, such as gold. USD is not the only currency which is in bad shape. In fact, most currencies are at quite an imbalance with each other. So if you do not know whether to hold your money in rupees, lira, yen, dollar, euro or pounds; choose gold. So, clearly as much of cash you will keep in your portfolio is the amount of gold you should be having. Global currencies are at an imbalance The dollar is weaken and getting weaker due to national economic policies which does not appear to have an final end. Most Central Bank heads are printing too much currency ever since the gold system failed. Thankfully, they cannot create gold.
Evidence Demand is high -Western world -Islamic world -India -China and East Asia -Turkey Unlikely for the next few years. Consequences Seasonal Pattern Since gold funds have made big moves over the past five years, it's time for them to drop behind. Value + PRO -CON -Significant Option Invest in 1. Gold Likelihood L Likely U Unlikely ? Uncertain
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