MyFloridaMarketPlace MyFloridaMarketPlace User Meeting July 20, 2004
Page - 2 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings DFS Update Finance and Accounting Open Discussion Update on Release 5.2 Open Discussion Time / Year End Debrief and Lessons Learned
Page - 3 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings DFS Update Finance and Accounting Open Discussion Update on Release 5.2 Open Discussion Time / Year End Debrief and Lessons Learned
Page - 4 Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings The intent of the Agency Checkpoint Meetings is to “take the pulse” of how both live and pre go-live agencies are progressing through the MyFloridaMarketPlace implementation process. DMS, Accenture, and North Highland have met with 19 agencies to date. Plan is to wrap up remaining meetings this week. Common themes have been identified across these agency meetings. We want to share this feedback with you today, and will continue to follow up with each agency individually to address specific action items.
Page - 5 Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings FLAIR Integration Concerns Finance and Accounting Attention Agencies are requesting additional Policy Guidance on items such as Master Agreement Blanket Purchase Orders, P-card, and Electronic Record Retention / Scanning Themes: Next Steps: DMS will focus on utilizing the User Meetings, Purchasing Director’s Meetings, and communication to relay policy guidance Provide a summary of the policy issues raised by the agencies along with DMS guidance on these policies Will continue to conduct 2 User Meetings per month and will encourage F&A attendance and discussion Propose to conduct break out sessions at the User Meetings for agency to agency “best practice” discussions Will be publishing a job aid to highlight where issues are occurring and steps users can take to resolve (e.g., ensure site code and entity in user profile has appropriate FLAIR userid / password as seen in the eForm)
Page - 6 Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings Release Planning / Visibility into this Process Analysis Customer Service Themes: Next Steps: Provide insight into upcoming Releases via User Meetings Agencies can provide feedback about prioritization and timing directly to Accenture and DMS liaisons Project team will investigate options for helping to address agency concern regarding quicker turnaround time of changes The additional data is currently available. Evaluation of tool and new information underway by DMS. DMS is confirming pilot approach, and will communicate to the agencies Agencies will identify super users, and those super users will be trained on how to create reports in Analysis Agencies are feeling comfortable with the efforts of DMS and Accenture in supporting the implementation Project team will continue ongoing education and coaching sessions to help enhance the agency’s CSD experience
Page - 7 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings DFS Update Finance and Accounting Open Discussion Update on Release 5.2 Open Discussion Time / Year End Debrief and Lessons Learned
Page - 8 DFS Requirements - General Comments A Master Agreement (MA) or Direct Order (DO) is required for contractual services in accordance with s , FS. Two-party written agreements entered into by an agency must be set up as Master Agreements (MA). Supporting documents previously submitted to the Bureau in paper format must be scanned into MyFloridaMarketPlace. Electronic invoices for contractual services submitted through the Ariba Supplier Network (ASN) must include the dates of service in the comment field on the electronic invoice submitted by the vendor.
Page - 9 DFS Requirements - Master Agreements Required Master Agreement fields for DFS’ audit purposes Start Date and End Date (if applicable) Maximum Commitment Amount Method of Procurement Historical Amount Spent, where appropriate Description Contract Type For contracts less than or equal to $250,000, either a Contract Summary Form or entire contract document may be scanned in and attached to the Master Agreement Request (MAR). If the entire contract is scanned in, a comment citing the page number of the payment criteria/method of payment section is needed OR the payment criteria/method of payment section may be scanned in as a separate document.
Page - 10 DFS Requirements - Master Agreements For contracts greater than $250,000, the entire contract document is required to be scanned in and attached to the Master Agreement Request. A Contract Summary Form is not needed. A comment citing the page number of the payment criteria/method of payment section is needed or the payment criteria/method of payment section may be scanned in as a separate document. Scanned documents needed, as appropriate Invoice Two-party written agreement Contract Summary Form/payment terms for Master Agreement Procurement documentation Other documentation needed to fully document the transaction and/or show compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations
Page - 11 DFS Requirements - Direct Orders Required Direct Order fields for DFS’ audit purposes Start Date and End Date (if applicable) Line items, including adequate description, units, and price/method of payment Method of Procurement State Contract ID, where appropriate on Non-catalog items Prior paid to date information must be provided either by providing information in Comment field on Exceptions Tab on the Invoice Reconciliation or by scanning in and attaching the Contract Summary Form to the Exceptions Tab or Invoice eForm
Page - 12 DFS Requirements - Direct Orders Scanned documents needed, as appropriate Invoice Contract Summary Form Procurement documentation Other documentation needed to fully document the transaction and/or show compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations
Page - 13 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings DFS Update Finance and Accounting Open Discussion Update on Release 5.2 Open Discussion Time / Year End Debrief and Lessons Learned
Page - 14 Finance and Accounting Open Discussion Time A couple of questions / comments for the group… During the Agency Checkpoint Meetings- there was a lot of discussion about agencies wanting to “share best practices” with other agencies- and that this could potentially address some of the F&A questions about how to most effectively complete processes in MyFloridaMarketPlace. Comments from the group? “Effective Scanning Processes” was also a popular topic during the Agency Checkpoint Meetings. Advice from the live agencies? Other discussion topics?
Page - 15 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings DFS Update Finance and Accounting Open Discussion Update on Release 5.2 Open Discussion Time / Year End Debrief and Lessons Learned
Page - 16 Highlights of Release 5.2 Master Agreement accounting fields will be editable (SIR 14718) When a user creates a master agreement, they will now have the ability to edit all of the accounting fields, which are accessed from the summary tab The editablity will work the same as on a requisition Ability to uncheck `Send to Vendor` checkbox for comments and attachments (CR133) Users will have the ability, when approving a transaction, to check or uncheck the `send comments` to vendor box Frequently, a requester may check the `send to vendor` box, but a purchasing agent may wish to remove that comment before it goes to the vendor for numerous reasons There were new roles added for this release: 3600: Director of F&B, 7300: Program Budget Approver SuperCPLA Approver These roles will be added to the job aid that currently exists on the Toolkit Additional enhancements are included, and the detail is available via the 5.2 Release Notes
Page - 17 Agenda Welcome / Introduction Summary of Agency Checkpoint Meetings DFS Update Finance and Accounting Open Discussion Update on Release 5.2 Open Discussion Time / Year End Debrief and Lessons Learned
Page - 18 Next Meeting Time / Location August 3, 2004 Carr Building, Room 170 from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.