Family Game Night! High School (11 th /12 th grade) Statistics Task: Create a new board game which incorporates a respectable amount of measurable probability or chance. You will be divided into roles and each role will play a part in the development of your game, so you must work cooperatively to create a game that will be not only mathematically complex, but also engaging and fun for anyone who would play it. The game should have a polished final look, as if you were a real game company. Be creative, be statistical, and have fun!
Introduction All group members should start by reading this article by famous game designer Mark Rosewater: ticle.aspx?x=mtg/daily/mm/174 ticle.aspx?x=mtg/daily/mm/174 Each of the four roles should focus on specific portions of the game design: ◦ Creator (1,3,4,5,6,8) Most Important: 1,8 ◦ Statistician (3,4,6,7) Most Important: 6,7 ◦ Writer (2,5,7) Most Important: 2 ◦ Designer/Artist (8,9,10) Most Important: 9,10
Intro Part 2 Now that you know about the critical components of game design and the four roles, you have two tasks before you split up! 1. Come up with a general theme/idea for the board game. This will be developed in depth by each member later so you just need a general concept for each member to start working on their part. 2. Decide which group member will fulfill which role. Descriptions of the roles can be found on the next page!
Creator This person will be in charge the overall idea of the game and the rules. They will handle the instructions of the game and make sure it will be fun to play. Designer/Artist Designer/Artist Writer/Collaborator Statistician This person will be in charge of writing everything for the group, both the rulebook and the behind- the-scenes statistical notes that give the percentages and expected outcomes for all choices in the game. They will also relay information between the different group members and keep everyone on the same page. This person will be in charge the statistical aspects of the game. They will research different ways that games use statistics and then develop the statistics for their own game. This person will be in charge of giving the game a unique theme and designing the parts of the game including box, game board (if you have one), and/or other pieces of the game. This first imprssion will influence whether people want to play or not so don’t take this lightly! ROLES (click on role to go to detailed task list)
The Creator Part 1 Your first job is to decide how the game will be played and make rules. Some ideas and information on games can be found here: 1.Designing Board Games: ame/boardgamedesign1.html ame/boardgamedesign1.html 2.Basic Mechanics: memechanics.html memechanics.html 3.Making it fun: me.html me.html
The Creator Part 2 Once you have a basic set of rules, follow these tasks to complete your game: 1.Communicate with your other game designers, hear about their work and share your basic mechanics and rules. 2.Go through all the rules with the writer while he records them in the rulebook. 3.Make changes to the rules as necessary to add or take away features based on the other members’ work.
Statistician Part 1 Your main role is to make the game mathematical. First consider some important aspects of math in games: 1.All About Luck: e-basics-the-role-of-luck-in-games.aspx e-basics-the-role-of-luck-in-games.aspx 2.Math in Games Background: math-to-win-at-the-board-game-risk math-to-win-at-the-board-game-risk
Statistician Part 2 Next, considering the concept of the game, decide how math will be incorporated into the game. You must keep careful notes of all probabilities and statistics with the writer. Keep these things in mind: 1.The game must be fair for all players or some of the players will not want to play. 2.The game must be complex enough and involve choices so players will stay engaged in the gameplay.
Writer Part 1 First, make sure each group member is clear on the game initial idea, then read these articles on how proper writing for board games is done: 1.Writing instruction manuals: effective-instruction-manual/ effective-instruction-manual/ 2.Consider other materials that may be needed for the game, use these templates to create them with the artist: effective-instruction-manual/ effective-instruction-manual/
Writer Part 2 By now the creator should be ready to create an instruction book, use your knowledge of instruction designs to design an instruction booklet with him. When this is completed, proceed to the statistician and carefully detail the mathematics of the game neatly (Note: these do not go with the instructions)
Designer Part 1 Your role is to give the game an engaging theme and advertising, here are some links that detail capturing the attention of your game players: 1.Consider these popular games. Think about how their design enhances their success and how your game can emulate it: /Top-20-most-popular-board-games php#photo /Top-20-most-popular-board-games php#photo Advertising your game: tips-for-writing-an-effective-instruction-manual/ tips-for-writing-an-effective-instruction-manual/
Designer Part 2 Now that you have created an engaging theme, you must construct the physical components of the game. 1.The creator should let you know what physical components you need, and the writer will help you design them. Here is a template for different board game parts: Following the creation of the parts, you must finish the project with designing the game box! This should make your theme apparent to your players and be eye-catching so people want to play.
Rubric: (Total 50 Points) Score: Overall DesignGame is too simple, too boring, too short, hastily done Game is moderately fun, decent length, fulfills minimum requirements Game is engaging, interesting, fun to play, exceeds expectations Math PortionsUses little to no statistics, didn’t record the stats Uses a fair amount of math, but not a critical or complex part of the game Math is complex, interesting, well recorded, enhances the game’s fun Detail/ Construction Instructions are missing, board is sloppy, pieces are poorly constructed Instructions are basic but not great, board is bland, pieces slightly enhance gameplay Instructions are detailed and helpful, board is detailed and clean, pieces enhance gameplay greatly ThemeThere is no theme evident, very inappropriate theme Theme is slightly evident but not obvious or interesting, poor art Theme is clear, enhances the game greatly, well designed art Completeness/ Cooperation The group members did not work together, portions not finished The group members talked a little, board game looks unpolished as a whole The group members were clearly on the same page throughout the process, game looks almost professional
Resources Image Slide 1,5,9,11: From Clip Art Image Slide 7: 6/wordle_6.jpg 6/wordle_6.jpg Information from each link accessed by the students