Intel Training Module 3 & 4 Amy Moore Becky Clarke Robin McConahey
But first… Let’s make an assessment! Create an assessment you will be using before, during, or after your unit. – Copy and download examples from the CD – Upload to assessment folder
Assessment Directions CCPS Intel Teach page Assessment Types and Examples Assessment Plans OR Assessment Strategies – Some of the assessments may be copied and pasted to fit your needs – Save sample assessment on your desktop Upload to Assessment Folder Module 2 & 6
Module 3 Incorporating the Internet Take the next 30 minutes and search the Internet for sites that you can use to enhance your unit plan Upload the URL’s to the links portion of your SharePoint page
Don’t forget … Copy and paste your URL’s to the Internet Resource section of your unit plan
Module 4 - Student Sample Intel Teach Essentials Page Under Links - Project Ideas and Examples Upload student sample to Student Sample Module 4 folder on Intel Teach Page Examples – Board games, PowerPoint presentation, project
Before you go… Make sure to add some technology standards to your unit plan – To find a list of tech standards look under Links on the CCPS Intel Teach page Homework Make sure to answer the blog for Module 3 and Module 4