19 th November 2010EN/CV/DC Thermosiphon project IV review - Overall cost estimation and planning Michele Battistin Elena Perez Rodriguez 19 th November 2010
EN/CV/DC ATLAS reviewing process 2 Pre-design and general lines of the project. Indico agenda and documents here.here 1 st Thermosiphon review Detailed design for the 2 kW Thermosiphon, mini-thermosiphon and blends. Indico agenda and documents here.here 2 nd Thermosiphon review Advancement status of Thermosiphon project, oil free centrifugal compressors and sonar sensor. Indico agenda and documents here.here 3 rd Thermosiphon review Project Readiness Review. Indico agenda and documents here.here 4 th Thermosiphon review
19 th November 2010EN/CV/DC EVM Project management This project will follow the Earned Value Management (EVM) technique Conceptual design report Definition Project breakdown structure Equipment coding convention PBS Work breakdown structure List of working units WBS & WU’s Resource responsibility matrix RRM Work units dictionary WUD Planning Project coordination schedule Thermosiphon project
19 th November 2010EN/CV/DC Project Breakdown Structure (EDMS ) 4 CodeDescription 2Primary water 2.1Primary water piping 3Chiller system 3.1Chiller system 4Brine circuit 4.1C6F14 piping 5Tank/condenser 5.1Tank 5.2Condenser 5.3Subcooler 5.4Degassing system 6C3F8 piping 6.1Piping in the surface 6.2Piping in PX15 6.3Piping in the cavern 6.4Recuperation heat exchanger 7By-pass 7.1By-pass piping 7.2Dummy load 8Instrumentation 8.1Instrumentation 9Electricity 9.1Standard power supply 9.2UPS power supply 9.3Power cabling 9.4Signal cabling 10Pneumatic system 10.1Pneumatic system for the thermosiphon circuit 10.2Pneumatic system for the chiller system 11Control 11.1Control system for the thermosiphon circuit 11.2Control system for the chiller circuit 12Civil engineering 12.1Roof modifications condenser liquid tank Heater pneumatic valve Low temperature Chiller USA15 Surface From compressors To compressors
19 th November 2010EN/CV/DC Resource and responsibility matrix 5
19 th November 2010EN/CV/DC Planning Time Autumn 2010Winter 2010/2011Spring 2011Summer 2011Autumn 2011Winter 2011/2012 Design and integration Complete basic design and integration Chiller system and brine circuit Invitation to tender process Award the contract Manufacture Supply and installation Tank/condenser Detailed design Demmande d’offre + purchase Manufacture Supply and installation C3F8 piping Supports and earthquake calculs Purchase of material Installation of the pipes By-pass Detailed design Purchase of material Installation in the cavern Instrumentation and control Functional analysis Purchase of hardware Programming Electricity and Pneumatic installations Study the requirements Improve UPS/Standard supply if needed Commissioning Tests with by- pass
19 th November 2010EN/CV/DC Cost estimation Description Cost estimation Primary water40 Chiller system800 Brine circuit100 Tank/condenser100 C3F8 piping Piping280 Recuperation heat exchanger15 Heaters before HEX - 15 kW15 Heater after the HEX - 60 kW20 Test dummy load10 By-pass By-pass piping20 Dummy load - 25 kW20 Instrumentation20 Pneumatic system10 Control50 Total1500 Contingency100
19 th November 2010EN/CV/DC Conclusions The Mini-Thermosiphon has proved the working principle for the consolidation. The 2 kW Thermosiphon will provide results for the control and detailed design. The Full Scale Thermosiphon is already well advanced –Basic design is done –Planning and cost estimation have been presented –Purchase has started –Piping installation has been organized
19 th November 2010EN/CV/DC Thank you for your attention 9 Any questions ? Any questions ?