STAR TRAINING Grants In-Service Author: Paul Malcomson Date Created: January 2013 Target Audience: Faculty Members / Member Secretaries For More Information please contact: Paul Malcomson St Joseph’s Health Care London 268 Grosvenor St E4-118 London, Ontario x64542 STAR TRAINING Grants In-Service Author: Paul Malcomson Date Created: January 2013 Target Audience: Faculty Members / Member Secretaries For More Information please contact: Paul Malcomson St Joseph’s Health Care London 268 Grosvenor St E4-118 London, Ontario x64542
Grants: Screen
Grants: Fields Field NameDispositionField Description PurposeOptional Your department may want to distinguish among various types of research and/or educational grants. Click on the drop-down menu indicator and select the purpose of the grant from the list. Funding TypeMandatory RoleMandatory Click on the drop-down menu indicator and select your role in this grant from the list. Grant StatusMandatory Select the status of the grant from the drop- down. Rejected or Non-funded grants can be recorded, but will not print on the CV reports. (Some departments may be interested only in grants that have been funded.) Peer ReviewedOptional Check this box if the grant is approved through a peer-review process. Short TitleOptionalShort title for this grant or contract. TitleMandatoryTitle of the grant.
Grants: Fields Field NameDispositionField Description Application SummaryOptional The application summary comes first and helps the granting agency understand at a glance what is being sought. The application summary can be as short as a couple of sentences, but no longer than one page. Industry GrantMandatory Funding SourceOptional Name of the person or organization supplying the funding this grant. Also provide the name of the funding organization's program, if applicable. This is an auto-complete field enter at least 4 characters and STAR will give you a picklist of all items that contain this sequence of four characters. ProjectMandatoryName of funding program Grant and/or Account #Mandatory Grant Unique IdentifierMandatoryEnter the unique identifier for a grant.
Grants: Fields Field NameDispositionField Description Total Grant AmountMandatory Total amount of the grant including all research sites. Use of a comma as thousands separator is optional. From this amount, and the From and To dates you enter, a "prorated amount" will be computed for each reporting year within the grant period. You normally get credit for all grants held during any part of the reporting year. CurrencyOptional Currency type of the money received in this grant. (Ex CAD, USD, EU, Etc) If not monetary type is specified, CAD will be assumed. My Share ($)Optional Enter the dollar amount of your share of the total grant amount. Administered ByOptional Name of the person or organization responsible for the administration of this grant. Monetary TypeOptional Type of the money received in this grant. (Ex Cash, Cheque, Etc) If not monetary type is specified, Cash will be assumed.
Grants: Fields Field NameDispositionField Description ReportableMandatory This box is checked if the grant is reportable by UWO. (Sub-grants or subcontracts within the university may not need be reportable, if they are already accounted for and reported elsewhere.) Principal InvestigatorMandatoryThe name of the Principal Applicant. Group/Program Head?Optional Check this box if you are the group or program head (in addition to perhaps being an investigator). CollaboratorsOptionalList of the collaborators on this grant. Your InvolvementOptional A short description of your involvement in the grant. Examples data analysis, local patient enrollment. Hours per WeekMandatory Personnel Paid on This GrantMandatory Enter the names of research assistants, nurses etc. who are paid on this grant.
Grants: Fields Field NameDispositionField Description Start - End DatesMandatory Start and End date of the grant. Enter the year and month for both Start and End dates. If you leave the End date field empty, it will be interpreted as "up to the present". Other Details (doesn't print)Optional RenewableOptional Check the box if this grant is renewable. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank. Save As Draft EntryOptional In Creative Professional ActivityOptional Keep this record privateOptional Yearly InformationOptional
Grants: Fields Field NameDispositionField Description Academic Prorated Amount Received Amount PersonalMandatory This provides an accounting of the grant amount by year, month and prorated amount. Education GrantOptional Duplicate ReportedDo Not Use