August 16, 2011 SHRM Poll: Managing Employee Absences
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Key Findings 2 Do organizations track employee absences? A majority of organizations (79%) currently have a program in place that tracks workplace absences. How do organizations categorize employee absences in the workplace? Of the organizations that track employee absences, almost all (87%) separate absences by unplanned leave (e.g., sick days, FMLA leave), planned absences (e.g., vacations, holidays, FMLA leave) and/or extended leave (e.g., short-term disability, FMLA leave, workers’ compensation leave). What proportion of organizations track the indirect costs, such as overtime and the need for temporary workers, caused by employee absences? More than one-half of organizations do not track the indirect costs from employees’ unplanned (61%) or extended (53%) absences. Is senior management concerned about the indirect costs of unplanned and extended employee absences? More than one-half of respondents reported that senior management was moderately concerned with costs related to unplanned (57%) and extended (53%) absences, whereas a much smaller percentage indicated that senior management was very concerned about indirect costs of extended (18%) and unplanned (13%) absences.
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Does your organization currently have a program that tracks employee absences in the workplace? 3 Note: n = 302. Respondents who answered “not sure” were excluded from this analysis.
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Does your absence program separate employee absences by unplanned absences (e.g., sick days, FMLA leave), planned absences (e.g., vacations, holidays, FMLA leave) and/or extended absences (e.g., short-term disability, FMLA leave, workers’ comp leave)? 4 Note: n = 229. Respondents who answered “not sure” were excluded from this analysis. Total does not equal 100% due to rounding.
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Does your organization track the indirect costs (e.g., temporary workers, overtime, business disruption, lags in product delivery, customer satisfaction) of unplanned absences and extended absences? 5 Note: n = 226. Respondents who answered “not sure” were excluded from this analysis.
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Generally speaking, how concerned is senior management at your organization about the indirect costs of unplanned absences and extended absences? 6 Note: n = 277. Respondents who answered “not sure” were excluded from this analysis.
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 How regularly do applicable staff (e.g., line managers, HR) at your organization receive training and/or updates on the latest legal and administrative developments in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) or other leave laws? 7 n = 275
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Demographics: Organization Industry 8 n = 302 IndustryPercentage Manufacturing18% Professional, scientific and technical services12% Health care and social assistance11% Finance and insurance10% Public administration6% Educational services5% Accommodation and food services (accommodation; food services and drinking places)4% Retail trade4% Arts, entertainment and recreation3% Construction (construction of buildings; heavy and civil engineering construction; specialty trade contractors) 3% Transportation and warehousing3% Wholesale trade3%
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Demographics: Organization Industry (continued) 9 n = 302 IndustryPercentage Information2% Religious, grantmaking, civic, professional and similar organizations2% Utilities2% Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting1% Mining1% Real estate and rental and leasing1% Management of companies and enterprises0% Personal and laundry services0% Private households0% Repair and maintenance0% Other services except public administration9%
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Demographics: Organization Sector 10 n = 296
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Demographics: Organization Staff Size 11 Note: n = 287. Total does not equal 100% due to rounding.
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Demographics: Other 12 Does your organization have U.S.- based operations (business units) only or does it operate multinationally? U.S.-based operations only74% Multinational operations26% n = 298 Is your organization a single-unit company or a multi-unit company? Single-unit company: A company in which the location and the company are one and the same 32% Multi-unit company: A company that has more than one location 68% n = 301 Are HR policies and practices determined by the multi-unit corporate headquarters, by each work location or both? Multi-unit headquarters determines HR policies and practices 46% Each work location determines HR policies and practices 3% A combination of both the work location and the multi-unit headquarters determine HR policies and practices 51% n = 213 HR department/function for which you responded throughout this survey Corporate (companywide)66% Business unit/division19% Facility/location15% n = 213
Managing Employee Absences ©SHRM 2011 Response rate = 11% Sample composed of 302 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership Margin of error +/- 5% Survey fielded June 9 th to June 22 nd, Methodology For more poll findings, visit Follow us on Twitter: SHRM Poll: Managing Employee Absences