The Beginnings of the Human Race The Creation of the World –Great and Mighty Creator: Jehovah –The Creation of Man Made in God’s image Made to rule –The Creation Mandate To subdue and have dominion Civilization and cities The Creation of the World –Great and Mighty Creator: Jehovah –The Creation of Man Made in God’s image Made to rule –The Creation Mandate To subdue and have dominion Civilization and cities
The Beginnings of the Human Race The Fall –The First Sin –The Results of Sin Twisted love: Love of self, not love of God Frustrated dominion: The Curse –God’s Plan for Redemption The promise of Gen. 3:15 The Fall –The First Sin –The Results of Sin Twisted love: Love of self, not love of God Frustrated dominion: The Curse –God’s Plan for Redemption The promise of Gen. 3:15
The Beginnings of the Human Race Sin and Judgment –Cain and His Seed He killed his brother His descendants began a civilization –Seth and His Seed Eventually they became like the descendants of Cain Sin and Judgment –Cain and His Seed He killed his brother His descendants began a civilization –Seth and His Seed Eventually they became like the descendants of Cain
The Beginnings of the Human Race Sin and Judgment –The Great Flood Covered the whole earth Noah and his family were saved in the Ark Sin and Judgment –The Great Flood Covered the whole earth Noah and his family were saved in the Ark
The Beginnings of the Human Race Another Beginning –Noah’s Prophecy Ham brought a curse upon Canaan Shem and Japheth were blessed –The Rise and Fall of Babel Their sins: Disobedience, wrong worship God’s response: Confusion of languages Another Beginning –Noah’s Prophecy Ham brought a curse upon Canaan Shem and Japheth were blessed –The Rise and Fall of Babel Their sins: Disobedience, wrong worship God’s response: Confusion of languages
The Beginnings of the Human Race Another Beginning –The Rise of Nations Nations: Very large groups of people who share the same language, family history, land area, and culture Nation-states City-states Another Beginning –The Rise of Nations Nations: Very large groups of people who share the same language, family history, land area, and culture Nation-states City-states
The History of Israel God’s Covenant with Abraham –Important Promises A seed A land A universal blessing –Early Fulfillments The birth of Isaac Jacob and his twelve sons God’s Covenant with Abraham –Important Promises A seed A land A universal blessing –Early Fulfillments The birth of Isaac Jacob and his twelve sons
The History of Israel The Mosaic Covenant –Israel Leaves Egypt Miraculously –Covenant at Sinai Often called the Mosaic Covenant Centered on the Ten Commandments They were to worship only one God Conditional –The Abrahamic Covenant was unconditional The Mosaic Covenant –Israel Leaves Egypt Miraculously –Covenant at Sinai Often called the Mosaic Covenant Centered on the Ten Commandments They were to worship only one God Conditional –The Abrahamic Covenant was unconditional
The History of Israel Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom –A struggle for survival until David’s time –David became Israel’s greatest king Davidic Covenant His descendants would rule forever The Messiah would come –Israel declines and falls –A hopeful future is prophecied Rise and Fall of Israel’s Kingdom –A struggle for survival until David’s time –David became Israel’s greatest king Davidic Covenant His descendants would rule forever The Messiah would come –Israel declines and falls –A hopeful future is prophecied
The Coming of the Christ Jesus of Nazareth –Birth (around 4 BC) Jesus had no human father He was announced by angels as: –Savior –Christ –Lord Jesus of Nazareth –Birth (around 4 BC) Jesus had no human father He was announced by angels as: –Savior –Christ –Lord
The Coming of the Christ Jesus of Nazareth –Teaching about the Kingdom People need to repent People need to believe the gospel –Death (around AD 30) He rose from the dead The gospel Jesus of Nazareth –Teaching about the Kingdom People need to repent People need to believe the gospel –Death (around AD 30) He rose from the dead The gospel
The Coming of the Christ The Early Spread of Christianity –The Holy Spirit is Given at Pentecost –The Conversion and Ministry of Saul –The Destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70) The Early Spread of Christianity –The Holy Spirit is Given at Pentecost –The Conversion and Ministry of Saul –The Destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70)
The Coming of the Christ Later Growth in the Roman World –Roman Persecutions Nero Diocletian –Roman Acceptance Constantine –Edict of Milan –Council of Nicaea Theodosius I Later Growth in the Roman World –Roman Persecutions Nero Diocletian –Roman Acceptance Constantine –Edict of Milan –Council of Nicaea Theodosius I
The Coming of the Christ Later Growth in the Roman World –Christianity & the Decline of the Empire Capital moved to Byzantium Western part of empire invaded by barbarians Rome was plundered in 410 Rome was conquered in 476 Later Growth in the Roman World –Christianity & the Decline of the Empire Capital moved to Byzantium Western part of empire invaded by barbarians Rome was plundered in 410 Rome was conquered in 476
The Coming of the Christ Growth Beyond the Empire –To the East Sassanid Persian Empire Nestorians Copts –To the West Patrick Irish monks Growth Beyond the Empire –To the East Sassanid Persian Empire Nestorians Copts –To the West Patrick Irish monks