Matthew 6:19-24
Misplaced hearts seek inferior treasure. Earthly treasure will not last. Earthly treasure is not safe. Heavenly treasure is secure. Rethinking What We Pursue
Misplaced hearts seek inferior treasure. The lens you use to see the world is critical. Seeing is important to your survival. Blindness is dangerous. Rethinking What We Pursue
Misplaced hearts seek inferior treasure. The lens you use to see the world is critical. Service is single-hearted. Serving two masters is impossible. You cannot serve God and any other master. Rethinking What We Pursue
Where is my every day heart focused, on the world or on God? Possessions, fun, praises, desires, power and relaxing will all fade away. What does that mean to me?
Service to God and focus upon His will brings lasting treasure! Serving anything but God leads you away from God. What does that mean to me?
Riding the fence is not an option. You are on one side or the other. What does that mean to me?