This is a field level learning exercise with the Objective of eradicating malnourishment among local children Strategy of involving of mothers, Participation and contribution of community, Capacity building of the community regarding child care, Behavioral change of the mothers through good practices, Convergence of other stake holders like PRI, Health Dept. Center of activities : Village Level Anganwadi Centers (AWC’s) S3 Positive Deviance Program
Program launched in the month of January 2002 with the following steps: -Selection of Anganwadi Centers (AWC’s) based upon surveys of the number of children with Grade 2, 3, and 4 malnutrition (G234) at the centers. -Initially 8 AWCs were selected. PD program later expanded to 22 centers in Berhampore. -Training for Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and the ICDS Supervisors. S4 Activities Undertaken
-Village Health Committee (VHC) formed in all the centers. -Sensitization of the local community and orientation of VHC members. -Malnourished children selected for NCCS. -Mothers meeting and (PDI) home visit carried out. -Community meeting by VHC members before starting NCCS Monitoring format at the AWC level and project level have been developed and introduced. S5 Activities Undertaken, con’t
S6 Status of Families Whose Children Participate in Local ICDS Program
S8 Status of Families Whose Children Participate in Local ICDS Program, con’t
S7 Status of Families Whose Children Participate in Local ICDS Program, con’t
Impact-2 S10
Impact -1 S9
Impact -3 -During the months of August, September and October 2003 the program was unable to provide rice and dal to the mothers. The mothers demonstrated commitment to the program by donating these foods during this period. -Two centers became ‘Living Universities’ -The newly elected PRI bodies and the Health functionaries have been oriented S11
-Surrounding communities have been requesting that Positive Deviance (PD) activities be implemented in other AWC’s. -There has been an increase in awareness of child care practices. -The ICDS functionaries and the CINI functionaries have became a PD team for its success. S12 Impact –3, con’t
Impact-4 Impact on overall ICDS program S13
Impact-5 Impact on overall ICDS program S14
Difficulties S15
S16 Difficulties
-The VHCs (Village Health Committees) and Panchayat functionaries are to be re-exposed to the PD approach -The Berhampore Ministry of Health was contacted to assure that assuring health check-up of those children who are remaining in grade-II and Grade-III for long period. -The District Magistrate,Murshidabad has taken steps for the solution of Fuel issues which is to be materialized. -Quiz competition among the mothers,VHC members, AWW s to be organized for their motivation and evaluation of the program -More centers to be taken to the status of living university. Future Plans S17