Session: Death by Meeting Day/Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Harvest Room C, (11: :00 pm) Presented By: Kat Joachim, MS Occupational Blueprint drafting plans for life and career success Please be courteous to others and turn all communication devices to silent mode all communication devices to silent mode
Death by Meeting
An estimated 11 million meetings take place each day of which half of this meeting time allotted is wasted. A total of 31 hours a month is devoted to unproductive meetings. 73% of professionals admit to doing unrelated work during meetings.
Learn key techniques to diffuse frustration and capture missed opportunities. Death by Meeting Learn to manage effective meetings that capitalize on efficiency and minimizes unproductive time. Learn to challenge the weekly meetings that are held because they have always been on the schedule.
Death by Meeting
The ability to hold supremely effective meetings is one of the common characteristics among high-performing managers. First responsibility is to do the right preparation. 1.Invite the right people. Cross functional Teams Competing Priorities Different Perspectives 2.Gather your data. Be Tactical (Specific) Theoretical to Practical 3.Set an agenda. Most Commonly Skipped Step Necessary to Set Length Brainstorm/Feedback/Recognition
Death by Meeting
Separate operations from strategy Detailed Discussion & Analysis (O) Big-picture, Forward Thinking View (S) Focus meetings on decisions, not discussions “The purpose of this meeting is to inform you about X, to discuss Y and to decide on Z.” Z = Specific, Well-Defined Decision You do not need to have a meeting to do status updates!
Death by Meeting Prioritize high-value items Important vs Merely Urgent Decision Architecture
Death by Meeting Decision Architecture (Alternative) High Cost High Effort Low Cost Low Effort
Death by Meeting Move items off the agenda Issue Resolution Process Timetable “delays are the worst form of denial” Demand real choices for each major decisions Real Choices Have Alternatives been Considered & Rejected?
Death by Meeting Introduce a common language for decision roles Be Mindful of Consensus Culture Decision-rights Tool*
Death by Meeting Make decisions stick Summarize Decisions at End of Meeting Commitments To-do’s for Follow-up (with Deadlines) Record & Review at Next Meeting
Death by Meeting
Kat Joachim, MS Occupational Blueprint drafting plans for life and career success Ph Death by Meeting