Since Quickdraw is Worthless A Real Review
Giotto-Madonna and Child Enthroned
Giotto-Church of St. Francis of Assisi
Masaccio The Trinity
Masaccio Tribute Money
Masaccio Adam and Eve
Ucello St. George and the Dragon
Ucello Battle of San Romano
Lippi Madonna with Child and Two Angels
Bellini The Doge Lorenzo Lorendan
Boticelli Birth of Venus
Boticelli La Primavera
Boticelli Adoration of the Magi
Boticelli Venus and Mars
Boticelli Fortitude
Boticelli Madonna of the Pomegranate
da Vinci Mona Lisa
da Vinci Last Supper
da Vinci Virgin of the Rocks
da Vinci The Virgin and Child with St. Anne and St. John the Baptist
Michelangelo Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo Pieta (S)
Michelangelo Moses (S)
Michelangelo Dying Slaves (S)
Michelangelo David (S)
Raphael School of Athens
Raphael Baldassare Castiglione
Raphael An Allegory
Raphael Madonna of the Gold Finch
Raphael La Belle
Titian Portrait of a Man
Titian Venus of Urbino
Titian Bacchus and Ariadane
Massys Grotesque Old Woman
Van Eyck The Madonna with the Chancellor Rolin
Van Eyck The Arnolfini Wedding
Van Eyck Adoration of the Mystic Lamb
Durer Fall of Man (Adam and Eve)
Durer Self Portrait
Durer Christ and His Disciples
Holbein Erasmus
Holbein Lady with a Squirrel and a Starling
Holbein Henry VIII
Holbein Thomas More
Holbein The Ambassadors
Parmagianino Madonna of the Long Neck
El Grecco Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple
El Grecco Assumption of the Virgin
Cranach Martin Luther and His Wife
Cranach Cupid complaining to Venus
Cranach Adam and Eve