1 InVEST Partner for the Future
2 A unique business and education partnership training students in insurance, financial services and risk management Introduces Personal Auto/Homeowners and Business Owners Policy insurance concepts Builds business and entrepreneurial skills Utilizes a unique school-to-work simulation approach with a completely flexible curriculum What is InVEST?
3 Who Benefits from InVEST? Students Teachers Insurance Industry Professionals Industry Trade Associations
4 History of InVEST Founded in ,000+ program graduates 6,000+ students participate each year 200+ active programs in 30 states $176,000 in scholarships awarded by the national to InVEST graduates over the last five years And much more awarded at the state and local level!
5 Course Materials Available for free download at Personal Auto/Homeowners and Business Owners Policy teacher’s manuals and student textbooks Step-by-step guides for implementing the program Sample lesson plans and chapter assignments Internship implementation guide Job Shadow event planning materials
6 What Teachers Teach The crucial role insurance plays in everyone’s lives and how the insurance industry works Case studies which help students build analytical and problem-solving skills How to create a powerful business plan The promising future of a career in insurance and risk management and where to look for those jobs
7 Teacher Training Insurance Education Institute (IEI) summer seminars Designed to help teachers who teach insurance as part of another subject Scholarships are available which cover three graduate credits, room and board, and classroom materials IEI two-week summer institutes are offered at: Ball State University California State University, Fullerton Mississippi State University St. Cloud State University University of Central Arkansas St. John's University
8 What Students Learn An understanding of insurance, how the industry is organized and the concept of managing risk How to market and sell insurance and provide customer service Insurance agency and carrier home office operations Business and financial skills And so much more…
9 Insurance Industry Participants Local, regional and national insurance carriers Independent insurance agents and brokers Local, state and national Big “I” association members Members of other local industry organizations: Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) chapters The National Association of Insurance Women (NAIW) The Risk & Insurance Management Society (RIMS)
10 Classroom Liaisons Offer technical expertise and training for teachers Secure guest speakers Provide financial support Donate materials for the classroom simulation Host job shadow events and organize field trips Offer internships and assist with job placement
11 Teamwork: Your Key to Success An innovative business teacher An enthusiastic InVEST advisory committee An energetic insurance industry professional to act as classroom liaison A supportive school administration
12 Why InVEST? Furnishes students with marketable job skills, strengthens confidence and builds character Significantly increases a student’s ability and desire to pursue professional employment Offers teachers a completely flexible curriculum Provides industry professionals a unique opportunity to affect real change in their own communities Develops a feeder system of highly qualified, entry-level industry recruits
13 Next Steps Visit Download materials Review step-by-step-guides Check out all of the resources available Contact the National InVEST Program Manager (800) South Peyton Street, Alexandria, VA 22314