Homeopathy Usage Around The World Chart shows homeopathy usage around the world for 4 major countries.
France tops the homeopathy usage list in 40% using this type of medicine. India and UK comes in at #2 with about 15% usage. US homeopathy usage is approximately 2%. Percentages may vary due to data differences and homeopathy growth.
Homeopathy Population Usage
Homeopathy usage in India is the largest population wise. Approximately 150 million people using homeopathy in India. France comes in second with about 24 million. UK has about 9 million users. US lags behind with about 6 million homeopathy users.
Homeopathy Spending Per Country in The Millions of Dollars US and India lead in expenditure in homeopathy with about 3 billion dollars per country. France is approximately 1.5 billion. Uk spends 64 million dollars on homeopathy.
Ironic Expenditures Although, US has the least amount of homeopathy usage, it has the most homeopathic cost at a total of 3 billion dollars spent. US spends the most on all healthcare which also includes alternative medicines.
References Homeopathic British Association Delhi Homeopathy Clinic Expenditures