Participatory Planning Project Cycle Management (PCM)


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Presentation transcript:

Participatory Planning Project Cycle Management (PCM)

What is Project ? Objective Activities ⇒ Outputs Duration Budget ( Input) Resources (Input) An undertaking for the purpose of achieving established objectives, within a given budget and time period. Translation:

What is Project Cycle ? Project identification Project formation Appraisal Implementation Monitoring Plan revision Evaluation Feedback Translation:

Project Cycle Management Planning Implementation Evaluation PDM

Plan DoSee DoSee Plan See Plan Do We are in this stage.

Project Design Matrix ( PDM ) Narrative Summary Objectively Verifiable Indicators Means of Verification Important Assumptions Overall Goal Project Purpose Outputs Activities Inputs Pre-conditions

PDM Vertical Logic Project Purpose Objectives that the project should achieve within the project duration Overall Goal Direction that the project should take next Outputs Strategies for achieving the Project Purpose Activities Specific actions taken to produce Outputs Important Assumptions Conditions important for project success, but that cannot be controlled by the projects. Whether these conditions develop or not is uncertain. TRANSLATION: Project Purpose Objectives that the project should achieve within the project duration Overall Goal Direction that the project should take next Outputs Strategies for achieving the Project Purpose Activities Specific actions taken to produce Outputs Important Assumptions Conditions important for project success, but that cannot be controlled by the projects. Whether these conditions develop or not is uncertain.

PDM Horizontal Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Standards for measuring project achievement. Means of Verification Data sources from which indicators are derived. Inputs Personnel, materials, equipments, facilities and funds required by the project. Preconditions Conditions that must be fulfilled before a project gets underway Objectively Verifiable Indicators Standards for measuring project achievement. Means of Verification Data sources from which indicators are derived. Inputs Personnel, materials, equipments, facilities and funds required by the project. Preconditions Conditions that must be fulfilled before a project gets underway

Characteristics of PCM Participatory Approach Logicality Consistency Transparency Problem- Solving

Development of PCM Method Late 1960s Logical Framework (USAID) ➢ International Agencies introduce the Logframe Early 1980s ZOOP (GTZ) Objectives-Oriented Project Planning ➢ European countries adapt the ZOPP Early 1990s PCM(FASID) ➢ JICA begins full-scale introduction of the PCM

Participants in the Workshop Moderator Resident of the community Personnel of the donor agency Expert in a related issue Other organization Recipient country governmental agency Recipient country implementing agency

PCM Workshop Working as a team Visualizing ideas Analyzing step by step Cards &Board Consensus Brainstorming Moderator

8 Rules 1. Write down your own statement on a card. 2. Write only one idea on a card. 3. Make your statement specific. 4. Express your statement in a concise sentence. 5. Stick to the facts and avoid abstractions and generalizations. 6. Make it a rule to write cards before beginning discussions. 7. Do not remove a card from the board before a consensus is obtained. 8. Do not ask who wrote a particular card.

7 Steps in PP Stakeholders Analysis Problems Analysis Objectives Analysis Project Selection PDM Plan of Operation Analysis Stage Planning Stage Appraisal We are practicing by this stage.

Working together

STEP1 Stakeholders Analysis Identify the issues, problems, and current conditions of the target area through analyzing the area and local residents targeted for assistance, related groups, related organizations and agencies. Focus on people and organization. Tentatively select a target group.

Step 1 The stakeholder analysis Whose views + experience are relevant? Who takes decisions about the project? Who will act on these decisions? Whose active support is essential who has a right to be involved? Who is likely to feel threatened TRANSLATION: Whose views + experience are relevant? Who takes decisions about the project? Who will act on these decisions? Whose active support is essential who has a right to be involved? Who is likely to feel threatened

Example stakeholder analysis – setting up ITC Stakeholder Group Tasks and responsibilities Expectation for the project Fear for the project Support for project Directorate for VET (Ministry of Education) Personnel selection Budgets + definition of forms Design of the VET system Improvement of the equipment Improvement of coordination Training of staff New ideas Change of the socio-political framework Priorities set by the donor organisation Supply of project staff Political support of the project Multiplicator for project impacts Industrial Training Centre (ITC) Implementation Selection of staff Training specialists Implementation modern training programmes Improvement of education Training of staff Insufficient staff experience project implementation Insufficient own financial resources Staff highly motivated Provision of venue Link to other stakeholders EmployersProvision of jobs Setting frame-work conditions for staff Provision of social security Development of technologies Supply of highly qualified staff Improvement of productivity Improvement of product quality Improvement of work-flow organisation Competition through subsidised production in training centres Low quality of training Training costs partly covered by companies Provision of jobs Provision of internships Collaboration in the design of the training Collaboration in the final exams YouthGeneral education Social responsibility Enhancement of skills employment Lack of jobs, lack financial resources for training fees Application of the new skills

STEP2 Problems Analysis Problems Analysis visually represents the causes and effects of existing problems in the project area, in the form of a Problem Tree. It clarifies the relationships among the identified problems. Translation:

Sample problem tree

STEP3 Objectives Analysis Objective Analysis clarifies the means-ends relationship between the desirable situation that would be attained one problems have been solved and the solution for attaining it. This stage also requires an Objective Tree.

STEP4 Project Selection Project Selection is a process in which specific project strategies are selected from among the objectives and means raised in Objectives Analysis, based upon selection criteria.

STEP5 Formation of the PDM The project design Matrix (PDM) is formed through elaborating the major project components and plans based on the approach selected. The format of PDM is similar to that of the Logical Framework, and therefore can be commonly used worldwide.

STEP6 PDM Appraisal The PDM Appraisal is conducted by an aid agency to ensure the project plan. It is composed of the following stage: (1) Examination of the details of the PDM elements; (2) review of the PDM formation process; (3) examination from the perspective of the five evaluation criteria.

STEP7 Plan of Operations The Plan of Operation is prepared by the project implementers, based on the PDM and other information. It is an effective tool for project implementation and management, and provides important data for monitoring and evaluation of the project.

Rules for Writing Problems 1. Write in a Sentence. Make Clear “Subject and Object”. 2. Avoid “No Solution”. 3. Avoid Generalization.– Be Specific. 4. Don’t Write a Cause and Effect in One Card. 5. Be Specific Whose problem.


Monitoring and Evaluation The Five Evaluation Criteria 1. Efficiency 2. Effectiveness 3. Impact 4. Relevance 5. Sustainability

Efficiency The productivity in project implementation. The degree to which Inputs have been converted into Outputs. Effectiveness The degree to which the Project Purpose has been achieved by the project Outputs. Impact Positive and negative changes produced, directly or indirectly, as a result of the Implementation of the project. Relevance The validity of the Overall Goal and Project Purpose at the evaluation stage. Sustainability The durability of the benefits an and development effects produced by the project after its completion.