Budget Committee Meeting March 16,
Mission-Focused Budgeting All students are provided the opportunity and necessary support to engage in relevant, challenging work which contributes to their academic and social growth and development All staff, teachers, and administrators are part of a larger learning community working together to build collective capacity in order to provide a high-quality, relevant, equitable education for all 2
Tonight’s Agenda Equipment – Schedule C (revised 3/16/15) Overview Custodial Maintenance Transportation Information Technology Leasing of Technology – Schedule C-1 Revenue Budget including updated Tax Cap Levy – Revenue/Fund Balance (revised 3/13/15) Planned Use of Fund Balance in Review of Fund Balance As of June 30, 2014 Audit and Projected 6/30/15 & 6/30/16
Equipment Overview Schedule C
Custodial Department
Custodial Equipment - $9,850 Electric Pallet Jack for SHS$4,500 Snowblower for Loudonville$1,750 Wet-Dry Vac/Squeegee$1,200 Burnishers for SG and SHS$2,400
Maintenance Department Equipment 21 Service, Van, Dump or Pick-up Truck Vehicles 12 Plows 7 Commercial Mowers 6 Equipment Trailers 3 Field Tractors 2 Backhoes (Large & Small) Over 25 Specialized Pieces of Equipment and Attachments Including….Field Grader, Ride on Paint Machine, Deep Tyne Aerator, Forklift, Thatcher, Spreader, Core and Deep Tyne Aerator, Field Rollers, Aerovator, Top Dresser, Turf Vehicle, etc.
Maintenance Department Equipment Budget Requests to
Maintenance Department Equipment Budget Request (2) Service Vehicles with Plows (Replace) (1) Dual Axle Trailer (Replace) (1) Genie Lift (Replace) (1) Infield Grader (Replace) (1) Cutting Blade Kit for Big Plow (Replace) $129,000 Request
Examples of Equipment Proposed to be Replaced
Examples of Vehicles Proposed to be Replaced
Maintenance Department Equipment Replacement Plan (in binder) MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT WHEELED EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS REPLACEMENT PLAN MAKEBODYYEARCOND. REPLACE YEARTYPE HoweDual Axle Trailer2000Fair/Good Grounds Equipment $ 7,500 Genie Lift 1995Poor District-wide $ 12,500 Smithco SuperstarInfield Grader2001Fair/Good Grounds Equipment $ 8,000 Replacement bladeBig plow2013 Worn Grounds Equipment $ 1,000 KubotaTractor-Large2002Good Grounds Equipment $ 45,000 Master TowField Utility Trailer2002Good Grounds Equipment $ 5,000 Toro GroundsmasterMower2004Fair/Good Grounds Equipment $ 50,000 Steiner AttachmentSnow Blower1999Good Grounds Equipment $ 6,500 SteinerBox Rake2005Good Grounds Equipment $ 5,000 SteinerLeaf Blower2005Good Grounds Equipment $ 4,500 Steiner 430 MaxMower2006Good Grounds Equipment $ 7,000 Toro Grounds MasterMower2008Very Good Grounds Equipment $ 40,000 KubotaTurf Vehicle2005Very Good Grounds Equipment $ 15,000 HaulinCampus Trailer2001Fair Grounds Equipment $ 2,500 PioneerWalk - paint machine2008Excellent Grounds Equipment $ 7,000 JacobsonMower (Spare)1988Fair Grounds Equipment Textron/RyanSod Cutter2003Very Good Grounds Equipment $ 2,500 YaleForklift1993Good-Fair Shop Equipment $30,000 HoweMowing Trailer-Dist.2003Good Grounds Equipment $7,500 Toro GroundsmasterMower2009Very Good Grounds Equipment $35,000 Total Wheeled Equipment & Attachments to be replaced in next five years $ 39,000 $ 50,000 $ 87,500$75,000
Maintenance Department Vehicle Replacement Plan (in binder) VEH. #MAKEBODYYEARMODELNOTES REPLACEMENT YEARCONDITION T-59FordPickup2003F350Svc. Pickup w/ Plow Fair- Body Rust $ 45,000 T-61FordPickup2003F350Svc. Pickup w/ Plow Fair- Body Rust $ 45,000 T-65FordPickup2004F350Svc. Pickup w/ Plow Good- Body Rust $ 45,500 T-66FordPickup2004F350Pickup w/ Plow Good-Fender Rust $ 45,500 T-64FordPickup2004F350Svc. Pickup w/ Plow Good- Body Rust $ 46,000 T-68FordPickup2006F350Pickup w/ Plow Good-Fender Rust $ 46,000 T-62FordDump2003F350Sm. Dump/Plow/Salter Good- Body Rust $65,000 T-73FordPickup2008F250Pickup w/ Plow Good $47,000 T-74FordPickup2008F350Svc. Pickup w/Plow Good $47,000 T-77FordVan2010E350Van Good T-63Intrn'lDump2003DT466Lg. Dump/Salter/Plow Good T-69FordStep van2006E350Step van Good T-75FordPickup2008F250Pickup w/ Plow Excellent-Good T-76FordPickup2009F350Svc. Pickup w/ Plow Excellent-Good T-78FordVan2011E350Van Excellent-Good T-79FordVan2012E350Van Excellent T-72FordStep van2008E350Step van Excellent-Good T-71FordPickup2008RangerPickup Good T-80FordPickup2012F350Svc. Pickup w/ Plow Excellent T-81FordPickup2014F250Svc. Pickup w/ Plow Excellent T-82FordPickup2015F250Svc. Pickup w/ Plow Excellent Total Vehicle (Trucks) $ 90,000 $ 91,000 $ 92,000$65,000$94,000 Total Wheeled Equipment & Attachments $ 39,000 $ 50,000 $87,500 $75,000 Grand Total $ 129,000 $ 141,000 $142,000 $152,500$169,000
Maintenance Department Anticipated Equipment Budget Requests to
Transportation Department Equipment Requests for
Transportation Department 823,045 miles in 4,890 public school students assigned to be transported each day 125 special needs students on 10 routes 532 non-public students transported on 20 buses to 32 different schools General Information
Comparison of North Colonie with Other Local Districts(Routes/Total Buses) 19 Suburban Council Districts Public School Enrollment* Sq. Miles of District # Bus Routes# of Buses North Colonie A B C *- Per NYSED.gov Public School Enrollment
Bus Replacement Schedule Currently purchasing 6-8 buses per year, for an average 11 year lifespan Purchased 7 buses in , for a total cost of $754,000 For , propose purchasing 7 buses at a cost of $837,000 20
Bus Before Repair
Bus After Completed Body Work
Bus Purchases Body Type BodyCapacityCostPurchase Adults/Replacing:Bus#YearMileage Children2/1/15 Conventional Thomas49/74$118, ,279 Conventional Thomas49/74$118, * ,883 Conventional Thomas49/74$118, * ,009 Conventional Thomas49/74$118,000 26**200690,236 Conventional Thomas49/74$118,000 27**200692,450 Conventional Thomas49/74$118,000 28**200692,017 Conventional Thomas26/16/2WC $129, ,268 Total # buses: 7Total: $837,000 * Retained to service Full-Day K needs ** Caterpillar engines 23
Transportation Department Equipment Purchases ($6,000) Heavy Duty Shop Laptop ($3,280) Used to connect diagnostic software to buses Impact Wrenches (4) ($2,720) To replace worn out wrenches 24
Information Technology Equipment Requests for
Video to be inserted. 26
Mission and Planning
Hardware categories Infrastructure Routers and switchesServers Administrative and Clerical Support Workstations and laptopsPrinting and scanning Instruction Students and ClassroomsLibraries, labs and studiosTeachers
Essential elements to implement our instructional technology vision: Technology that students can use in all instructional settings and independently. Support for teachers to link the right technology resources to support the curriculum. Easy-to-use tools for teachers to share their ideas and best practices. Comprehensive maintenance and upgrades so that existing equipment supports new initiatives. Program-driven equipment needs to match the best available technology to the program goals.
Instructional Technology Sustaining our investment in instruction Technology matched to curricular priorities Student focused, teacher driven, direct classroom support
Technology in the hands of our students- blending equipment and supplies Class sets of Chromebooks for up to 25 classrooms Class and project sets of i-Pads for art, special education and other student and program priorities
Supplies that complete the classroom Projectors Document Cameras New options for interactive whiteboards and cameras Classroom printers
Hardware for Instruction Maintaining the replacement cycle
LocationProgram NeedHow many? Estimated Cost Shaker High School Special Education Classrooms: replace aging workstations with laptops for student use 70$50,000 Library- replacement for older iMacs for student use 20$20,000 Technology Ed: replacing workstations in the CAD classrooms to meet current software requirements 47$24,000 Art department: completing the replacement of laptops for art classrooms 55$50,000 Computer classrooms- replacement of older workstations with laptops 62$60,500
LocationProgram NeedHow many? Estimated Cost Shaker Junior High Computer classrooms- replace aging workstations with laptops 62$60,500 Video Studio- replace professional camcorder 1$1,500 District-wideWall-mounted (short throw) projectors18$18,000 Chromebook and laptop carts24$35,500 Teacher laptops to replace five and six year old machines 154$130,000
Administrative support and infrastructure needs harnessing federal e-rate funding Administrative and support workstations and laptops replacement cycle- $25,000 New e-rate rules allow us to upgrade the network in 15-16, with e-rate offset funding for 40% of the project Upgrades to be purchased across two fiscal years-$165,000 for network equipment in , and a similar expense for
Bringing our network up to speed Network Closets Replace oldest switches to increase speeds Wireless Systems Complete the wireless project with an additional controller and up to 100 additional wireless access points
Internet Use: increase in bandwidth means reliable access to resources
Wireless access- high use, high reliability
IT Equipment Totals
5 Year Trends: IT Equipment
Financing Plan for IT Equipment & Certain Supplies See Schedule C-1
Summary of Expenditures In Base Budget: Administrative IT supplies for smaller technology units valued at less than $500 each 75,000 Administrative IT supplies 75,000 Instructional IT supplies for smaller technology units valued at less than $500 each 312,086 Subtotal 462,086 Not in Base Budget: Administrative IT equipment 25,000 Instructional Technology equipment 450,000 Subtotal 475,000 Total 937,086 Included on Schedule C: Network Hardware 165,000 Non-public Hardware 13,000 Total 178,000
Recommended IT Funding Plan Administrative IT supplies 75,000Maintain Base Budget request For equipment and smaller technology units, fund them over three years through installment leases: Administrative IT supplies for smaller technology units valued at less than $500 each 75,000Reduce Base Budget $75,000 Instructional IT supplies for smaller technology units valued at less than $500 each 312,086Reduce Base Budget $312,086 Administrative IT equipment 25,000 Instructional Technology equipment 450,000 Total of items to be leased 862,086 Divided by three years/3 Estimated annual principal payment 287,362 Estimated interest on lease 2, ,000 Increase Debt Service Budget $290,000
Proposed Revenue Budget and Revised Tax Cap Levy See Handouts
Proposed Revenue Budget Real Property Taxes (at Tax Cap, as revised) 78,613,884 State Aid, including BOCES Aid and Full Day Kindergarten Aid (Current Law % increase) 18,708,726 Day School Tuition (Menands) 1,400,000 Special Ed Services – Other Districts (6 privates/21 districts/ 65 children) 500,000 Health Services - Other Districts (37 districts/805 students) 400,000 Rental of Real Property (Achievements/daycares) 287,000 Payment in Lieu of Taxes (Shaker Pointe) 103,000 All Other Revenues 998,000 Total Revenue Budget 101,010,610
Summary of Draft Proposed Budget for (as revised 3/13/15) Estimated Revenue Budget $ 101,010,610 Appropriated Fund Balance to balance budget 2,412,279 Total Estimated Revenues and Fund Balance $ 103,422,889 Total Appropriations Budget $ 103,422,889
Proposed Use of Fund Balance Unassigned Fund Balance $ 1,962,279 Reserve for Retirement Contributions (ERS) 350,000 Reserve for Compensated Absences 100,000 Total Proposed Use of Fund Balance $ 2,412,279
Fund Balance as of June 30, 2014
Fund Balance: Non-spendable, Restricted, Assigned & Unassigned as of June 30, 2014 Total Fund Balance $12,679,297 Non-spendable $11,292 (Items that are pre-paid expenditures) Restricted $6,272,521 (Reserved for various purposes & includes $470,000* Approp. for 14-15) Assigned $3,042,684 ($2,685,116* Appropriated for 14-15, plus $357,568 encumbrances) Unassigned $3,352,800 (Limited to 4 percent of next year’s budget) * Totals $3,155,116 appropriated for budget.
Restricted Fund Balance (Reserves) as of June 30, 2014 Name of Reserve Balance 6/30/14PurposeNotes Workers Compensation $310,284To fund unplanned self-insured WC claims $847,153 in claims at 6/30/14 Unemployment$41,291To fund self-insured UE claimsTo cover potential UE claims Retirement Contributions $2,514,181To stabilize the ERS contribution payment Budgeted to use $320,000 in and $350,000 in15-16 Tax Certiorari$750,750To fund tax certiorari claims$1.558 million in potential claims at 6/2014 Employee Benefits & Accrued Liabilities $1,455,192To fund sick and vacation payouts for retiring staff $3.83 million in total liability at 6/2014, $1.70 million fundable from reserve. Budgeted to use $50,000 in & $100,000 in Debt$1,200,823To fund debt service principal and interest $28.3 million in outstanding principal & interest at 6/2014 Total Restricted Fund Balance $6,272,521Restricted for the purposes noted
Projected Fund Balance as of June 30, 2016
Projected Fund Balance as of 6/30/16 as of today Total Fund Balance at 7/1/ million Projected Loss for million Projected Total Fund Balance at 6/30/15 = 9.7 million Budgeted Loss for per Sch. A- 2.4 million Projected Total Fund Balance at 6/30/16 per current budget proposal= 7.3 million
What’s next? Budget committee current schedule: March 2: Preliminary Budget Overview March 5: Maintenance & Interfund Transfers March 9: Debt Service, Enrollment March 16: Equipment, Technology, Revenue, Fund Balance March 19: (*Shaker High School Media Center) New programs and initiatives, including Full Day Kindergarten and ENL, Summer Curriculum March 26: Staffing Changes, Contingency Budget March 30: Voting by Board of Education 55