MDA Pediatric Transport Pediatric Emergency Medicine October 13 th 2004
Talk Topics EMS in Israel. Pediatric EMS in Israel. Pediatric transport in MCI. The Use of Pediatric I/O in MDA.
Level Of Treatment Two Tier System Basic And Advanced Life Support. Basic And Advanced Life Support. Basic Level : B.L.S. Ambulance ( Including rural Ambulances) Medic/Driver (E.M.T) + E.M.T / Volunteer. E.M.T. Course Hours. 125 Ambulances In Morning shift. All equipped with A.E.D.’s additional B.L.S. Units “on call”.
Level Of Treatment A.L.S. Level : M.I.C.U - Mobile Intensive Care Unit Physician, Paramedic, E.M.T / Driver. Physicians - From Regional Hospitals. 22 Units In Central Cities. I.C.A - Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic, E.M.T / Driver. 29 Units In Small Cities / Rural Areas
Professional Activities A.L.S Level Of Treatment 50% Cardiac, Cardiopulmonary, and respiratory Problems50% Cardiac, Cardiopulmonary, and respiratory Problems 4%-7% Resuscitations4%-7% Resuscitations 3%-5% Pediatric Cases3%-5% Pediatric Cases 10%-15% Trauma Cases10%-15% Trauma Cases
Magen David Adom General and trauma activity ALS52 BLS125 ALS BLS ALS BLS Ambulances per Shift per Shift Calls per year per year Trauma calls per year (12%) per year (12%) MICU 22 (Physician) ICA 30 (Paramedic)
Training of M.D.A. B.L.S. providers Total 205 course hours. Pediatric resuscitation - 3 hours. Pediatric Trauma – 1hour. Pediatric Emergencies – 1 hour Care of the newly born – 1hour
Training of M.D.A. Paramedics Total 1565 hours. Stage 1: Class based - 18w. Stage 2: Hospital clerkship – 10w. Stage 3: Mobile Intensive care unit clerkship 80 shifts.
Pediatric training in the various stages Stage 1: Pediatric resuscitation - 20h. Pediatric emergencies - 16h. The newly born -6h. Stage 2: Pediatric ED / PICU - 30h. Labor and Delivery - 30h. Adult and Trauma ED - 100h. Anesthesia – 60h.
Pediatric training in the various stages Stage 3: MICU – 640h. PALS course. PHTLS course.
Pediatric Prehospital Care In Israel: 3-5% of EMS calls. In U.S.: 5-10% of EMS calls and only 5% involve life threatening problems. A weak link in most EMS systems. Controversial issues: Scoop and Run Vs. Stay and play. A.W. management in trauma.
Pediatric Bone Injection Gun usage in MDA
MDA experience 2 types an adult and pediatric device. Introduced to all A.L.S. units in All attempts to use the device require reporting to medical division on a “ special procedure form ”.
Success rate
Age distribution
Prehospital outcome
Bus number 2 explosion in Jerusalem
August 20, 2003, 12:35pm EDT TWENTY KILLED, SCORES HURT IN JERUSALEM BUS BOMBING A suicide attacker detonated a bomb on a packed Jerusalem bus Tuesday, killing at least 20 people and wounding more than 100.
Time table initial phone call: ”explosion heard”. M.C.I. protocol activated. First B.L.S. unit at the scene. Second B.L.S. unit at the scene. First A.L.S. unit at the scene. B.L.S. and 3 A.L.S. units at the scene.
Time table-evacuation Initial call non urgent victims evacuated. urgent and 1 non urgent victims evacuated. last urgent victim evacuated.
Total units activated in this incident 39 B.L.S. units. 9 A.L.S. units. 1 M.C.R.V. Manpower: Physicians-7 Paramedics-30 E.M.T.s -100
Pediatric victims Of the 136 injured 45 were children and babies. Of the 23 casualties 6 were children. 4 pediatric intubations were made at the scene. 3 pediatric patients were transported in secondary diversion.
Jerusalem bus explosion Secondary Diversion 2 2 Shaarei Zedek Level II Hadassah EK Level I Bikur Holim Level III Hadassah MS Level II
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