Re-Engineering Career, Technical and Agricultural Education CTAE Leadership Team
Superintendent Cox’s Charge Focus on Re-engineering Career, Technical and Agriculture Education Heightened Level of CTAE Excitement Academic Integration Performance Standards for Career Pathways Workforce Development Postsecondary and Career Transitions CTAE Involvement in High School Improvement
Georgia Department of Education Vision Statement We will lead the nation in improving student achievement.
Vision of Seamless Education A system of education in which students effectively move among schools as they advance their education from elementary school through higher education. The envisioned system will ensure that students… are prepared for their future educational and career goals; have an excellent and uniform educational advising process; do not repeat work they have mastered.
Workforce Development Task Force Recommendations Leverage the existing connection between business and education communities to ensure that present and future industry skill requirements are known and adopted by the education community. Graduates have the skills and qualities needed by employers. Create a linkage among the economic development, employer and education communities to ensure that the education community attracts and generates the number of potential workers required by employers. Support and enhance efforts to build a culture that values a basic education, lifelong learning and work.
Misconceptions Hands-on, not minds-on learning. CTAE teachers as non-academic. CTAE courses as non-college preparatory. CTAE pathways as restrictive. Work-based learning as speedy exit. CTAE courses as “dumping ground.”
Classroom Experiences Leadership Activities Work- Based Learning Lifelong Learning
CTAE Organization Director Program Delivery Development & Transition Accountability & Improvement
Signature Projects: Career Pathway Identification and Alignment Program Concentrations/Clusters Career Pathway Three Courses Sequenced Governor’s Strategic Industries Curriculum Revision – Phase I – Eight Pathways Academic Alignment Technical Skill Development Workplace Readiness Skills/Foundation Skills Postsecondary Alignment Industry Standards Alignment
Aerospace (Architecture, Communications & Logistics, Business & Computer Science, and Engineering & Technology) Agriculture (Agriculture) Maritime Logistics (Architecture, Communications & Logistics, and Engineering & Technology) Life Sciences (Healthcare Science, and Family & Consumer Science) Information Technology (Business & Computer Science) Marketing, Sales & Service Entrepreneurship Manufacturing (Architecture, Communications & Logistics, Engineering & Technology)
Program Concentrations Agriculture Business and Computer Science Marketing, Sales and Service Architecture, Communications and Logistics Engineering and Technology Healthcare Science Family and Consumer Sciences Government and Public Safety
ProgramPhase 1Phase 2Phase 3 Business & Computer Science Computing Small Business Development Financial Management Interactive Media Remaining Pathways Marketing, Sales & Service Marketing & ManagementFashion Marketing Marketing Communication & Promotion Architecture, Communications & Logistics Transportation Logistical Support Transportation Logistical Operations Broadcast & Video Graphic & Visual Communications Aviation (complete) Engineering & Technology Engineering Electronics Manufacturing Healthcare ScienceTherapeutic Services (Nursing) Therapeutic Services (Emergency Medicine) Agriculture Agriscience Horticulture Forestry Family & Consumer Science Early Childhood Culinary Arts Government & Public Safety Criminal Justice
Signature Projects: Career Pathway Certificate Validation Academic Skills, Technical Skills, Workplace Readiness Skills Articulation Postsecondary and Industry Endorsements Governor’s Office of Workforce Development, Department of Labor, Georgia Department of Education, Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education, Board of Regents Recognition Georgia-specific industries and businesses
Sample Certificate
Courtesy of NOCTI
Signature Projects: Profile of Workforce Readiness Academic Achievement Technical Skills High School Completion Workplace Readiness Skills Career Pathway Preparedness
From Enrollment Numbers:
To Profile of Career Readiness: Personal Care Services 4589 Biomedical 5860 Diagnostic Services 3425 Therapeutic Services 2532 Health Informatics 1895 Health Care Science Credentials
Signature Projects: Profile of Workforce Readiness State Level Economic Development Georgia Department of Economic Development Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Georgia Department of Labor Local Level Economic Development Industrial Authorities Chambers of Commerce
Signature Projects: High School Redesign Connection Rigor Challenge all students with high expectations Relevance Help students connect their studies to the real world Relationships Foster supportive relationships between students and adults
CTAE Improvement Modules 1.Business Engagement 2.Career Development 3.Curriculum Development oAwareness K-5 oExploration 6-8 oFoundations 9-10 oCareer Pathways Professional Development 5.Leadership Capacity Development 6.Facilities/Equipment 7.Career/Academic Teams 8.School Certification 9.Program Certification 10.Work-Based Learning 11.Postsecondary Transitions 12.Career Technical Student Organizations
Perkins Reauthorization Overview Spirit of the New Perkins Law Leading CTE into the 21 st Century Global Competition Program Improvement Rigorous, modern, and durable CTE programs
Perkins Reauthorization Overview Purposes of the Act Develop challenging academic and technical standards and integrated instruction Increase opportunities to keep America competitive Focus on high-skill, high-wage, high- demand occupations Provide increased flexibility
Perkins Reauthorization Overview Purposes of the Act Conduct and disseminate research and information on best practices Promote partnerships (education, workforce boards, business, industry, etc.) Provide technical assistance and professional development
Perkins Reauthorization Overview Local Plans Provide at least one CTE program of study Describe how local recipients will encourage students to take “rigorous and challenging” core academic courses Align programs to rigorous technical standards Promote all aspects of industry Assure size, scope and quality
Perkins Reauthorization Overview Local Plans Professional Development Career guidance and academic counseling Community Awareness strategies Teacher Recruitment Performance Targets Evaluate and continuous improvement with special emphasis on special populations
Perkins Reauthorization Overview Secondary Indicators Academic achievement - aligned to NCLB academic content and achievement standards Graduation rates as determined in NCLB Technical skill attainment that is aligned to industry-recognized standards Student rates of attainment Diploma, GED, proficiency credential
Perkins Reauthorization Overview Secondary Indicators Placement in postsecondary education, military or employment Participation and completion of non- traditional program
Perkins Reauthorization Overview Perkins IV More Accountability for: Programs of Study Technical Attainment Performance Measures/Data Collection Professional Development Academic Rigor
Student Benefits Students stay in school. Students transition to postsecondary education and careers. Students’ academic achievement increases. Students have access to more resources. Students contribute to the economic prosperity of Georgia.